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Thread: Campaign Update Pt. 2 (rules draft and start date!)

  1. #151
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
    Need a clarification on "catastrophic losses" - given the examples, is this implied to be 'more than 2/3'. I have a LOT of 3-man squads in the list I sent, had just assumed it meant more than 2/3, or conversely less than 1/3 surviving since the 25% mark is the standard generally per the RB.

    Also, what was the decision on vehicles in squadrons and the survivability - we treating them as individuals? (so if 1 of a squadron of 3 survives, it could be fielded singularly in a later battle, or recombined with other singletons into a new squadron?)
    I will clarify the wording, it is more than 2/3 of the unit. I hadn't really thought about vehicle squadrons though. Fluff wise it's easy to perceive of infantry models removed from the table as having been "casualties but not deaths" and returning to battle, but having a vehicle that exploded reappear doesn't make as much sense. Rules wise I don't know that it's fair to distinguish between the two though ... you are paying the points for the vehicle which we are assuming that GW properly point-costed (*cough*yeah right *cough*), why penalize players who choose vehicles as part of their forces ... ummm, so yeah I guess it would count for vehicle squadrons as well, although if people have input on that I'm willing to reconsider ... thoughts anyone?
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  2. #152
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Do only units used during that campaign turn get battle experience or all units in your army? I have a feeling it is units used, but isn't clear to me from the packet.
    Units used. The XP reflects battlefield experience and progression of becoming better soldiers.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  3. #153
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    I think it should be based on total number of vehicles for squadrons. Basically, if you have 5 predators in your list and you field a squadron. If you lose two preds you can still field a squadron the next game by adding the 2 remaining preds. If you lose all three preds in battle you can no longer field the squadron with just the two remaining preds. I think doing it any other way really gives an unnecessary advantage to people running squadrons.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  4. #154
    Senior Member rand0mnumb3r's Avatar
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    Just have it so Formation/Squadrons don't exist before and after the battle.

    Before each battle you can assemble your remaining dudes from your 20,000 points into formations (if there are enough left to form one). After the battle is over they become non-formation units again.

    If a Vehicle dies its gone. If a Squad dies its gone. If a warlock attached to a guardian squad dies he is gone. Base it all off the individual unit listings in the 20,000 list.

    Playing it any other way is going to create some very odd issues.
    Last edited by rand0mnumb3r; 06-26-2015 at 09:23 AM.

  5. #155
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedArmy View Post
    I will clarify the wording, it is more than 2/3 of the unit. I hadn't really thought about vehicle squadrons though. Fluff wise it's easy to perceive of infantry models removed from the table as having been "casualties but not deaths" and returning to battle, but having a vehicle that exploded reappear doesn't make as much sense. Rules wise I don't know that it's fair to distinguish between the two though ... you are paying the points for the vehicle which we are assuming that GW properly point-costed (*cough*yeah right *cough*), why penalize players who choose vehicles as part of their forces ... ummm, so yeah I guess it would count for vehicle squadrons as well, although if people have input on that I'm willing to reconsider ... thoughts anyone?
    I think vehicles can be treated as individuals for this purpose. So if you take a squadron of 3 and 2 blow up but one doesn't, then you have a single vehicle left, which can either be fielded on its own or combined with other singletons into a new squadron. That way you are getting one-to-one parity whether people use squadrons or not. Otherwise, like John said, you're creating a significant advantage for fielding squadrons.

    And thanks for the clarification. I already went back through and changed up a lot of mine anyway to have 6, as that one jetbike all alone is probably running away anyhow.

  6. #156
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
    I think vehicles can be treated as individuals for this purpose. So if you take a squadron of 3 and 2 blow up but one doesn't, then you have a single vehicle left, which can either be fielded on its own or combined with other singletons into a new squadron. That way you are getting one-to-one parity whether people use squadrons or not. Otherwise, like John said, you're creating a significant advantage for fielding squadrons.

    And thanks for the clarification. I already went back through and changed up a lot of mine anyway to have 6, as that one jetbike all alone is probably running away anyhow.
    I think this is the way to handle it, unless I see it being abused in some fashion.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  7. #157
    Senior Member Bullymike's Avatar
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    i take it some/many games folks will be short some points to make things fit
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  8. #158
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    What about summoning and evolving units.

    I assume summoned units disappear at the end of the battle and don't join the battleforce?

    What about chaos lords that turn into a spawn or a DP do they stay that way or go back after the battle?

  9. #159
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bal4eva View Post
    What about summoning and evolving units.

    I assume summoned units disappear at the end of the battle and don't join the battleforce?

    What about chaos lords that turn into a spawn or a DP do they stay that way or go back after the battle?
    Summoned units disappear after the battle. The chaos lord that turns is another issue I hadn't thought about ... fluff wise you would expect it to stay, but game-play wise I know that is a big part of the khornate lists and what makes them function and I don't want to handicap by limiting that ... I would lean towards saying that for the terms of this campaign that form is a temporary blessing of Khorne and that they revert to their chaos lord form after the battle, just as I don't want to hinder the daemonkin players in particular. Any objections to or thoughts about that for anybody?
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  10. #160
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Sounds good to me.

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