Quote Originally Posted by Kaika87 View Post
I've been playing nearly every week as well, frankly I'm just not as good a player and need more practice to get back up to my 5th edition speed. But I bet my army would move a lot faster if I just had nothing but Night Scythes.
But your night lords...that should be a fast army.
1) Jump around all House-o-Pain style behind cover
2) Pick up said models jumping because they get shot to bits
3) Realize that cover is useless most of the time to models with 3+ saves and...
4) *Jump Packs, while cool on paper are still too slow with out something tying up the back field
5) ???

*Corollary to Jump Packs - Realize that the small numbers in "elite" Assault Armies aren't cutting the mustard in 6th because of lots of other factors including:
Random Charge length
Changes to Fearless
Changes to Power weapons
MOAR terminiators
A Move back to plasma
FNP changes
Tough 5 bikes
Volume fire that is 6th

This is coming from a guy who has 30 something jump pack guys screaming to be played, but can't do it cause /LawlJumppacks.

Welcome to 6th! also, play faster!