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Thread: For Sale; WarmaHordes Starters and Tons O' Trolls and some misc.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member BDub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Red face For Sale; WarmaHordes Starters and Tons O' Trolls and some misc.

    Starter Boxes $30 ea.
    Trollbloods (plastic)
    Cryx (plastic)
    Skorne (plastic)
    Menoth (metal)
    Trollloods (metal)

    Trollbloods - blisters/boxes
    Scattergunners Unit (metal) - $25
    Scattergunners X2 (metal) blisters - $10
    Winter Troll (metal) - $10
    Dire Troll Mauler (metal) - $20
    Horthol, Long Rider Champion (metal) - $20
    Fell Caller Hero (metal) -$7.50
    Calandra Truthsayer (metal) - $7.50

    Trollbloods - loose, mostly assembled, some no primer, some primer, 1 or 2 have paint. ALL are metal
    Mulg the Ancient - $25
    Troll Axer - $7.50
    Troll Impaler x2 - $7.50 ea.
    Trollkin Champions Unit - $25 (will part out, $5 ea.)
    Kriel Warriors X4 (one unit leader) - $5 ea.
    Stone Scribe Chronicler - $7.50
    Stone Scribe Elder - $7.50
    Krielstone Scribes x2 - $5 ea.
    Grim Angus - $7.50

    Miscellaneous WarmaHordes - loose & blisters
    Bloodgorgers (blister) - $10
    Khador Devastator - $20 (pinned, assembled, custom-based, ready for prime & paint)
    Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight (blister) - $10
    Totem Hunter - $5
    Horgenhold Artillery Corps (blisters) X2 - $12 ea.
    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - $5
    Grand Scrutator Severius (blister) - $5

    MKII Khador book - $10
    2007 MKII Khador Deck - $5
    2010 MKII Khador Deck - $5
    WM/H Blast & Spray template - $2.50

    Items in RED are currently being asked for - they will be removed if the sale goes through.

    I think that about does it!
    Last edited by BDub; 09-14-2013 at 11:46 PM.

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