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  1. #1
    Fashionably Late daKing's Avatar
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    Stripping Models

    I've got a few dozen metal models taking a simple green bath at the moment. We are talking super thick paint that is upwards of 20 years old (some of my first models ever). What do you guys use to brush the paint off once it's loose from the bath? I was using an old tooth brush and it wasn't doing jack. Also how long do y'all leave them to soak? So far it's been 12 hrs in a 50/50 green to water mix.

    On a related note does anyone want to buy an OOP metal wraith lord?
    Wrecking Crew Member

    I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Austin, TX
    I ve used White spirit to strip metal miniatures but it s no longer on the market I believe. I use small automotive metallic brushes to removed the stripped paint after the model is soaked for 12hrs.

  3. #3
    Don't dilute the Green to strip, use it straight up
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

  4. #4
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    I use Super Clean, the engine degreaser you can get from Autozone. Let the stuff sit in it for about 24 hours, then a toothbrush will take it right off. Use gloves and safety glasses when you're dealing with it, though. It's a strong detergent that will eat you up, but it's safe to pour down the drain.

  5. #5
    Senior Member BDub's Avatar
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    Brake fluid works wonders on metal minis. Don't put ANY plastic in is. I have always found that Green takes a long time to soak on old/thick paint, especially if its sealed.

  6. #6
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    I'll sometimes use a toothpick when the toothbrush isn't enough.

    Instead of the brake fluid, for metal minis, get brake parts cleaner. It comes in a spray can. It will strip the paint off your house and give you a permanent orange Afro. So use in a well ventilated area. Melts plastic on contact, so can't use it for that.

  7. #7
    Senior Member noodlers's Avatar
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    Use a new bottle of super clean from wal mart. 24 hours minimum and use a toothbrush and warm soapy water to remove the paint. It will also cause the models to come apart sometimes. Also as Daniel said it requires gloves and ventilation.

  8. #8
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    The abslute best stuff to remove paint by far in my experience is Purple Power available at Wal Mart. It is amazing. Leave it to soak overnight, and brush with a toothbrush and I've never had anything that needed more than that. Very powerful stuff, just make sure and wear gloves when handling the minis/brushing until you have washed them off, as the stuff is very powerful.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  9. #9
    LA's Totally Awesome All-Purpose Concentrated Cleaner


    At the Dollar General, paint will fall off and safe to leave models in for days (those times you forget you are stripping stuff, lol) I have a sealed container of it that I re-use over and over.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    The other thing you might want to try on something that old and coated is boiling hot water and tooth brush with fresh bristles. It's going to be a labor.
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