Dimitri Hochard
Round Rock TX
haven t set foot in a local game store yet, just arrived in Austin area 2wks ago
whfb mostly. Look forward to get some games in!
Dimitri Hochard
Round Rock TX
haven t set foot in a local game store yet, just arrived in Austin area 2wks ago
whfb mostly. Look forward to get some games in!
Come on down to Dragons Lair on Tuesday nights for WHFB. There is also a monthly tournament every third sunday
will do soon
Thanks for the info
Welcome to the area, I'm from up in northern parts myself, we have a great group at Dragon's Lair as mentioned ... also if there is another night then Tuesday that you want, there is a "pick up" section on this message board and you can post looking for a game and one of us will almost always be up for something. What armies do you play?
Thanks. I lol try to make it next week haven t gone through my minis yet still in boxes.
I play Orc n Goblins, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Empire, Bretonia and Daemons
Nice to see you out there yesterday Dimitri! That was a really small group compared to our normal turn-out, but we just had a tournament this past weekend and another down in San Antonio this coming week and I know several guys had other things going on. Anyways, hope to see more of you, always nice to meet new people!
Hey all,
I moved to Round Rock from Northeast Pennsylvania back in February and I'm finally getting my 40K stuff unpacked and looking to get back into the game. I've been playing Blood Angels since 3rd Edition and I run my own blog though it has been pretty neglected since my move (link in sig). From what I've read it seems like Dragon's Lair on Thursdays is the place to be. Is that still accurate?
–The Harrower
Artist, Game Designer, and Wargame Veteran
Visit DED'ARD a hobby blog focusing on all things Blood Angels and 40K!
Stony said...
After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."
Larry Beshaers
Cedar Creek Texas
Dragons Lair
Warhammer Fantasy Highelves/Ogres
Just starting 40K
Welcome Larry
40k night at dragons lair is Thursday