Page 405, second paragraph.
Page 405, second paragraph.
yeah, I'm happy about that. Maybe Ward is a secret stunty lover
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
I Hope they make a come back, along with Hrud becoming Space Skaven. I want to build an army that uses Doomwheel bits and warp thrower parts.
I think maybe that Matt Ward character isn't as bad as everyone thinks.
What is on page 405? I don't have the book.
Record 2012
"If you get close to Mephiston he will give you Death by Roo Roo!"
Blood Angels:
póg mo thóin
If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.
Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?
Record 2012
"If you get close to Mephiston he will give you Death by Roo Roo!"
Blood Angels:
A fluff list of the Imperial Sanctioned Abhumans. AKA Squats are back.
póg mo thóin
If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.
Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?
I think he is referring to pages 404 and 405 that have the few paragraphs about Abhumans. - gives them all HS names and all. Doesn't mention any being extinct (previously Squats?), but does mention that Beastmen are barred from enlistment into the Guard and about to be declared mutants. then says that 3 - Troths, Felenids, and Neanders - are "restricted" to 3 distinct worlds. I am not sure in what context it means restricted though - whether these Abhuman races aren't allowed to leave those planets or if they are only indigenous to those planets.
Matt Kibbe