------------------------------------------------- Empire
1 Hellblaster Volleygun (metal in blister) -------17.00 GONE!
2 Empire Artillery & Crew (boxes) ---------------17.00ea.
1 Engineer blister ----------------------------9.00
5 Pistoliers (5xblisters) -----------------------6.00ea.
1 Grandmaster Mounted (blister) --------------10.00
1 Limited Edition (Army Box) Standardbearer ---15.00
1 Kurt Helborg (box) --------------------------20.00
4 Greatswords (metal, loose, primed, no bases) -6.00ea GONE!
1 Militia/Free Company 20 (box) ------------------24.00
2 Knightly Orders 8 (box) ------------------------24.00ea. --the following are the older plastics--
1 Crossbowmen Regiment 16 (box) ----------------24.00
1 Handgonners Regiment 16 (box) ----------------24.00
1 Soldier/State Troops 16 (box) ------------------20.00
2 Soldier/State Troops 19 (box) ------------------22.00ea.
-------------------------------------------------------- Warmachine
1 Protectorate of Menoth Starter Box (metal) -----28.00
1 Buccaneer Mercenary Light Warjack (metal) -----14.00
-------------------------------------------------------- Bretonia
1 Green Knight (box) -----------------------------25.00
-------------------------------------------------------- Dwarves (old school)
2 Master Runesmith (blister) ----------------------10.00ea.
1 Runelord Krag the Grim (blister) -----------------10.00
1 The white Dwarf (not sure which one, blister) ---12.00
1 Dwarf King Throne of Power (the old one) -------25.00
16 misc plastic Dwarf Warriors (loose) ------------12.00
1 Ltd. Ed. Dragon Slayer w/ Dragon Head(loose, partially painted, primer?base?) ---12.00
-------------------------------------------------------- 40K (old school & rare in box) !!!
1 Teminator Squad (original box)[/URL]----------------50.00
1 Harlequins Squad (original box) -------------------50.00
------End Transmission----------------------------------
Note: the ebay links are not mine, I just thought the visual would help.
Cash is preferable but will consider Space Marine Rhinos, Razorbacks, Drop Pods, Predators, Land Raiders, Venerable Dreds, Terminators, Assault Squads, Devastator Squads & Forge World parts in trade.