I'm posting this here for my little brother who is liquidating his Warmachine Mercenaries army. He lives in Dallas, but he will either ship down here, or with the holidays coming up I'll be making several trips and can grab it from up there and bring it down here. Either way, let me know if you're interested and we can get it to you. If you buy enough to get him to drive down here to deliver it and visit his older brother, I'll buy you a 6 pack too.

Hey guys, after picking up so much Circle I've decided I have too much stuff between Circle and Mercs, and Mercs got the boot. My Nerd ADD is your gain though, all of this stuff is 50% off Retail, most is assembled, a fair amount is primed, and only a few are partially panted. All come with cards.

A = Assembled
Pr= Primed
NiB = New in Blister
Pp = Partially Painted

Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries Softback
Drake MacBain A
Durgen Madhammer Pr
Gorden Grundback Pr
pMagnus A
Ashlynn d'Elyse A
Ghordson Avalancher NiB
Ghordson Basher Pr
Ghordson Driller Pr
Grundback Blaster x2 Pr
Grundback Gunner x2 A
Mule A (rip in tubing, patched with grey stuff)
Renegade x2 A
Wroughthammer Rockram Pr
Sam MacHorne & Devil Dogs A
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. A
Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps x2 (one max is primed, other max is half acetoned, I'll acetone the other half for ya)
Hammerfall High Shield Officer& Standard A
Herne & Jonne Pr (Ogre dude is missing axe)
Kayazy Assassins A
-Kayazy Assassin Underboss A
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt Pr
eEiryss NiB
Gorman di Wulfe Pr
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile Pr
Ogrun Bokur Pr
Reinholdt Pr
Rhupert A
Rorsh & Brine A
Thor Steinhammer Pr(Missing his flame effect)
Horgenhold Artillery Corps NiB
Horgenhold Forge Guard Pp(All primed, base painted, couple have a started basecoat)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages Pr
-Acante Tempst Gun Mage Officer Pr
Brun Cragback & Lug Pr
PM me or reply, or e-mail me at my username at gmail dot com. Thanks again!