Longtime Abaddon fanatic excited to get a monster like Marny into my games again. Heres what i have right now for an 1850; trying to be somewhat hard, ie not broken, but also not completely go splat against murderfists.
3 assault cents in a pod
3 grav cents in a pod
The "bully tri-tactical" formation (3 combat squads with melta/combi, flamer/combi, and plas/combi) in pods
command squad with 5 meltas in a pod
ironclad in a pod
stormtalon with typhoon
7 pods of death... Tiggy and Calgar would switch freely between centurion pods depending on mood (feels like i could go either way). Calgar taking storm of fire every time giving those assault centurions rending flamers and hurricaners.
but Im left with 40 pts to spare, 50 if i drop down to 4 meltas in the command (4 usually does the job but hell, pour it on). Any extra death, synergy, or shenanigans left to squeeze out of those points?