My name is Ka. I recently moved to Northwest Austin from Dayton, Ohio, by way of Albany, NY. I am exploring the gaming scene at Dragon's Lair (the nice folks there pointed me to this forum). I have played many minis game. I have been playing Battletech exclusively the last two years in Ohio/NY. Although I am desperately looking for Battletech players, I am considering getting back into my other past interests. I play Malifaux (Guild, Resurrectionists, Outcasts), Warmachine (Cygnar), Hordes (Legion), Firestorm (Terran, Directorate), Uncharted Seas (Ralgard, Bone Griffons), 40k (Tau), WHFB (High Elves, Chaos), Confrontation (Lions), Warlord (Crusaders), and more WizKids Clix than you can shake a stick at.
- Ka
Last edited by Tzeentch2002; 04-23-2014 at 10:16 PM.
Reason: typo