Dear Eidolon,

So hey...I'm sure you heard by now. That whole space station mission didn't go quite so well. I sent in Rizer the Hellfiend in with a small attachment of my warband. I'm forwarding you the last transmission:

[Incoming Message: Hellfiend, Rizer the]
[Status Update: Space Station Secure (J/K it's lost)]

First Skull:
There was like a lot of them and we got over run! I'm down to my last few Raptors and ..... Never mind, just me.

There was a Dreadnought! How the Frak did they get a freakin Dreadnought on a Space-platform!? And were was the Air support we ordered?! You left me to Die! Well Screw you! I'll take their SKULLS for myself and offer them to Khorne!

I'd bet you'd like an update with numbers and whos-who. Well I'm not telling you CRAP! Those Dark Angel wusses and their Fire Hawk Bros will be landing soon enough and you'll get a face full of intel!
I'm so ANGRY right now I could... wait a sec, gotta mop up some booger with lightning claws.... Got it.
Ok, So yeah, as I was saying... wait, one more booger to blow away - get it!?! HAHA...

So yeah, the station is lost. Looks like there is a Chaplin left. Heh, he's got a skull head. I'm gonna go relieve him of it. And once I'm done, I'm gonna start my OWN warband and We're gonna be the "BETTER THAN GROGNAKS" So yeah!

[Sounds of battle]
[Vox sounds -Unknown voice] "...Emperor Protects"
No he doesn't!! I'll show you! Hey wait, my Vox is still on. Time out...

[End Transmission]

So yeah. Pretty sure that traitor is gonna go start his own warband now. What a jerk. He left his post, abandoned the station to who know how many Imperial dogs, and the WORST part of it: He's keeping those SKULLS! You know I already called dibs on those. Anyhow, I'm awaiting new orders.

Forever yours,

PS: Silly Vox - auto corrected "bros" to yours...that is SOOOO weird, right?!