I should be fine for next week, we can touch base later to see what will work for you.
I should be fine for next week, we can touch base later to see what will work for you.
I am traveling for awhile now. I won't be back for two weeks . Will have to play catch up
Stony said...
After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."
Hey Sid, what time works for you? I have weekend afternoons, or pretty much all day Monday or Tuesday, but my schedule has me working Thursday nights.
Hey Nate668. I don't have the 1250 ready for today 4/23 so how about next week?
Sorry everyone, I think I need to drop out of the league. My hobby attention has shifted to other games and I can't keep up with the building/painting/buying. I have some Black Templars that I could play for at least this round, though.
John, I'm going to be stuck and work and can't make it tonight.