Thats a good Badger. I have been plenty satisfied with my Badger Krome. If I ever replaced it, it might be with a Patriot. I also use an ancient Badger 150 for most of my priming and coating. I like to change out the air-cap for one without the prongs. You'll need to be careful as nothing is left to protect the needle end - use your storage cap when not painting, or place the airbrush into your stand by the back end.
Some advice. Get some good airbrush paint made for minis. I have had much luck with the Vallejo model air, and I just received my Game Air paints, which I will be cracking into soon. You can mix down regular mini paints, but every single paint is different and it take a while to get comfortable with the variable results. IMO the Badger paints are crap. The transparent line are worse that the opaques.
Learn to make your own thinner. You will use a ton of it and it will get expensive. Its easy. I can get into that later if you want. I use a method very similar to this. The ingredients are alcohol, flow aid, drying retarder, and water. Get 90%+ alcohol. W&N and Liquitex both make a flow aid (surfactant). And everybody under the sun makes a liquid drying retarder (make sure you get a liquid one, most are).