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Thread: Am I in the wrong?

  1. #1

    Am I in the wrong?

    Now this is a story all about how my gaming night got flip turned upside down!

    Looking for an opinion mostly about how I could have handled things with my former gaming buddy.

    So there are 4 of us who play WM/H and 40k on Friday night, and we alternate every other Friday with Pathfinder. I typically GM the Pathfinder game. We would round robin who plays who on wargaming nights, and don't tell our opponents our list/caster ahead of time to keep it fair. We play assassination 99% of the time, roughly, and typically 35 points with the occasional 50 point list.

    So the Tuesday before last week, my matchup this week tells me on FB that we are playing 50 points, and when I ask if he's asking or telling, he basically demands in no subtle way we are playing 50. I like playing 35 points and let it be known, since we have 2 others waiting to play also, and we have a bad habit of starting very late. I end up making a 50 point list after suggesting he and his wife should play.

    Fast forward to Friday. We all show up, have some food, and sit down to set up terrain, and he says, "We are playing scenario." I reply with, "I feel more comfortable just playing assassination since it's a larger list and player X and Y need the table tonight." He obviously disagrees and says, "Cryx is too powerful for assassination, so we are playing scenario, like it says in the rules."

    I retort back with, "I feel like since you basically demanded we play 50 points that I should choose the scenario, and that being said, I choose Assassination." He immediately flips out and starts calling me a whiny bitch, etc, etc and I basically need to gtfo, right in front of his 2 y/o kid. (We have to play at his house because he's kind of a control freak) and then walks away. I sit for a few minutes and decide if ultimately it's worth continuing the spoon fed catering to this guy, and I think it isn't, so I pack up my terrain and hit the road.

    This isn't the first time I've had to deal with his attitude mind you, several times he has disrupted the flow of the game when something doesn't go his way, not limited to once when his character was knocked out, so he went and grabbed his guitar and sat back down at the table, playing as loud as possible. When I brought it to his attention that he was disrupting the game he replied in the douchiest way possible "This is my house and I can do what I want."

    So there it is. Was I in the right, or should I have given it another chance?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    uh.... yeah dude after reading this... you just sound like a whiny bitch... i wish there was a 2 year old here now to hear me say it!

    Joking!!! i couldnt help myself!

    but in all seriousness... this guy is a huge douchbag and does not desearve to have friends! i would tell him to **** off... but invite his wife over to game with you! haha
    get some new friends... there are a ton of gamers around town and im sure you can form a better group without the likes of captain *****!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Cavematt's Avatar
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    Dude has a wife and a kid. It makes some sense that he wants to play at his place, but yeah the bitching about what and how you play is dumb.

    Just set a firm "no bitching" rule. And maybe tell him to come out of his envelope sometime. Give it time, if y'all wanna play, you'll work it out.

    But yeah, the play my way or don't play thing is stupid, and I'd be less inclined to play with the guy.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    oh come on!

    look at this dbag! how does he even have friends! he was playing his guitar because he wasnt getting his way! what a *****! i wouldnt game with such a person! i would spit on him! and punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Cavematt's Avatar
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    No dont get me wrong, there are plenty of other places to play. The only part I was "defending" was with a wife and kid its understandable that he may want to play at his place.

    But yeah, you bitch and moan because the game doesn't go your way then you need another hobby. Hell, I play Tyranids, you think I don't know about games not going my way. I am just easy going, and I figure if this guy wants to play he'll have to sack up and quit his bitching.

  6. #6
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    my uncle would play aggervation with the family and he would get soooo mad! its like then dont play a game called aggervation dick!

    but yeah he was a great chess player but as soon as he would start losing he would get all pist and flip the board, hell one time he lost and my brother was grinning, which he took it as rubbing it in his face, and the attacked him, like hit him and then body slammed him to the ground... and this was a grown ass man and a 14 year old kid.... when a player is allowed to act out like this and is never put in check then they will get worse and worse! is it really worth playing/catering to this type of behaveour? i say **** him and punch his baby square in the face! thats the only way he will every learn!

  7. #7
    Senior Member SpiderBite's Avatar
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    Austin. Braker & 35
    Been there.
    If playing a game isnt fun with an opponent, simply do not play that game with them.
    The point of the game is having fun. The objective is to win.

  8. #8
    @Cave. Yeah he has a wife and kid so I can see how he would, under normal circumstances, want to game at his place. Looking at the body of work, I think he knows full well that his BS would't be able to fly under someone else's roof. The thing about the no bitching rule is that it just wouldn't work. He would get butthurt over less and would be the first one to say something about Page 5 if someone was playing slow/trying to figure something out just to be an ass.

    His wife, child, and roommate are cool and I have zero problem with them. I'm actually the odd man out in this situation. The rest of the group aren't going to say/do anything to him even though I know his BS is getting tiresome to them.

    @splnes, it sounds like your uncle and this guy would get along great. As far as the baby punching thing, maybe a little extreme. lol. But yeah continuing to cater to this guy just took away from the whole night every time it happened.

    @Spider, it really does sound simple but it affects my standing with the entirety of the group. If it were just me and him I'd have cut ties easily 6 months ago. In any case it's over now!

    Thanks for the feedback.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Psyberwolfe's Avatar
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    Walk away. This is your free time too. If you don't like his abuse then walk away. This isn't about right or wrong but about yourself and how you feel. Good news! You live in a gamer rich town AKA Austin, TX. Finding a group to game with is pretty easy, or come to the various open game nights and get a pick up game.
    póg mo thóin
    If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.

    Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Unless you are really tight with everyone, just move on. Its your time as well, **** him if he wants to be a bitch. Im married with 2 kids and I still get the **** out of the house to play games. If someone does come over to play, The kids are sequestered. I try very hard to put forth a good face for my children when interacting with people so that they learn what is acceptable. The fact that this guy does not says a lot more than anything else you've complained about. Of all the things, THAT should be your bright red flag.

    Move on.

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