Nuts, just nuts.
Nuts, just nuts.
A fracking crystal brush and 10k Good jumping Jesus!!!!
"The Machine will grind you down."
Inventor of the "Chris Noble".
Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.
"He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "
I was excited until I saw that half of the scoring comes from a CMON poll.
Forget that. Hoping they still have the Rogue Demons.
that is pretty stupid to have such a big CASH prize. What is the point? At least it isnt for battle scores or somthing even more pointless. Painting miniatures should not be such serious business.
I agree, actually. I think that prize could have been split down multiple categories and some physical prize support.
Victor Hardy needs to enter.
"Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"
If only I had the money for a ticket to Chicago. Granted at least 35% of that popular vote will be internet trolls.
I think the rogue demons wont be changing (other than the small catagory changes we've seen). I think the crystal brush is going to be somewhat a separate entity. I could be wrong though.
"It's rusty 'cause it's dirty..." -Thomas