OK so I honestly don't think AoS will ever be a competitive game in its current state (even if points are assigned, the rules have to many gaps), but even in a fun environment points will help this game so much (again, allowing for pick up games). So after seeing some options online (most had to do with wounds, bravery and attacks) I felt they were lacking a lot as they didn't account for all the stats and made a lot of models seem out of proportion compared to others.
So I came up with a formula to calculate a points cost using all the major stats. The points costs for even a zombie or a gnoblar is a lot higher than we are used to, but it does give a relative cost to most things.
What this system does not do, is account for special rules. That's something that would require more playtesting, but this is a good thought I think.
Second point, I do expect people to have a basic concept of math and the order of operations to use this formula. There is a "base stat" cost and a "weapon cost". For models with multiple weapons, compute the weapon cost for each weapon chosen.
I haven't figured out a way for re-roll's, re-roll's of one, etc. Especially those provided by shields and such.
First off, whenever a stat is a dice roll consult the chart below to determine how many points it is:
- = 0 points
6+ = 1 point
5+ = 2 points
4+ = 3 points
3+ = 4 points
2+ = 5 points
(Wounds(bravery + movement) + Save) + (Attacks*Damage + Range + Rend(-1) + To Hit + To Wound)
For variable damage, use the highest potential value. For example, D3=3 and D6=6.
For conditional damage, first half the result. For example, D3=1.5 and D6=3. This is for rules like the Blood Knights who do D3 damage on the charge and Grave Guard, who deal 2 damage on any roll of 6.
Wizard: +50 points
Fly: Double movement (before multiplying)
Finally, round any fractions up after completing the entire formula.
By using this formula, here are some points costs we get for different units:
Empire Crossbowmen: 44
Empire Handgunner w/Imperial Handgun: 41
Empire Handgunner w/repeater Handgun: 38
Empire State Troop w/halberd: 21
Empire State Troop w/spear: 21
Empire Greatswords:25
Empire Pistoliers: 54
Demigryph Knights w/lance and sword: 88
Empire General on Warhorse, pistol and Great Weapon: 136
Empire Steam Tank with repeater handgun: 367
Zombie: 18
Blood Knight: 86
Unridden Zombie Dragon: 400
Vampire Lord on foot: 150
Vampire lord on nightmare: 181
Vampire Lord on Abyssal Terror with Sword: 360
High Elf Sword Master: 28
Silver Helm: 57
Ellyrian Reavers w/bow and spear: 83
Pheonix Guard: 29*
*(not accounting for Witness to Destiny special rule, which is essentially a 4+ invulnerable save)
Clan Rat w/blade: 20
Clan Rat w/spear: 21
Skaven Slave w/blade: 18
Skaven Slave w/spear: 17
Skave Slave w/sling: 24
Dwarf Cannon w/3 crew: 113
(have not accounted for extra damage vs units 10 and larger)
Looking at this, ranged units are definitely much higher than their melee counterparts. But seeing as their seem to be no limit to shooting (you can shoot, splitting attacks, into and out of combat...) I don't mind that.
Let me know what y'all think.