Hello all new and old alike, its time for the monthly tournament info. October is upon us and is appropriate we have a undeath book out to be played and stress tested for this month. The past few threads on the subject have lead to some heated debates and more than one confused mind on this month and the undeath army rules. So let me take some time right here to explain what will be happening and maybe smooth out some confusion.

If you want to just play a normal army and do not want anything to do with the undeath army book, then you do not need to do anything special. Just bring your toys a copy of your roster to share with your fellow players during games. Having said that do understand that others will be playing undeath even if you decide you don't want to. So learn what you can: as Sun Tzu has said (ad libbing a little here), "Ignorance of your opponent means defeat."

Still make sure you read the below statements even if you plan on not using undeath.

If you are planning on using the undeath rules, you will need to do a few special things:

1 Have the book on you or the down loaded digital book, have the device on you so I know you have it handy. I do not want any last minute oh I forgot my reader or left it at home. Your opponent needs to know what undeath does and it is YOUR job to provide all the rules he/she might not know or is unclear of, and no saying trust me that is how it works wont fly.

2 Have copies of your army, one for me to look at and one for you to share. I do not want to keep your copy, but if I need to know something I do not want to interrupt your game time with you digging for it. Also be ready for changes to your list at the last second, if I look at your copy and its just total nasty filth, then I will be asking you to change it. Keep that part in mind when you create your roster!!!!

3 This is the most talked about part of this so make sure you read this even if you are not using the undeath rules. 50% heroes and lords are allowed even if you do not use the undeath rules and you do NOT need the book to use that. In short ANYONE may use the 50% hero/lord rule for this month's tourney.

Lastly Named characters are all allowed, this might be the last time I have this policy but we shall see after this months "stress test".

See you guys on the 19th and remember if you want big prize support bring your friends. The support is now all based on attendance more bodies means more support.