Quote Originally Posted by rand0mnumb3r View Post
Not really though.

I have a lot of armies and I can tell you Eldar isn't even my 2nd most powerful one. They are incredibly weak to any kind of deepstrike heavy army to the point that I don't even see them as a competitive army. They have almost a 0% chance of beating a drop pod battle company or war convocation.

Outside of scatterbikes+wraithknights any army but chaos should hold their own against it.

I know most people playing against eldar get flustered by all their special crazy rules, and when you don't know beforehand their crazy shenanigans its gonna look broken. But once you understand that almost the entire army has an effective range of 12" and is a 20+ point T3 space marine... You can really work around that.
I think the new Eldar updates will help.
Lynxs might not be super heavies anymore, but they are way cheaper, and have arguably better shooting. Put them in zoom mode, wait till marines land, then pop em dead.
The new Doom Weaver style Wraithknight is also particularly nasty against White Scar biker spam, and any sort of marine player running a good amount of troops (drop pod armies).
We will see.