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Thread: Finecast rant

  1. #11
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    GW announced many many years ago that part of the mission statement was to make the entire range in plastic. I can not speak for the ray-gun side but in dragon land its damn near 100%. Only a few things here and there still left metal.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member BDub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DandyPandy View Post
    I just need to get this off my chest.

    I just started working on a pair of TFC's. I got the finecast version because I didn't want to pay the going price on eBay for the metal kits. I just started working on my army this year and my previous experience with Finecast was, well, fine.

    These TFC's are a whole different story. The kit is a huge piece of crap. I've spent several hours each day for the past couple of days cleaning up mold lines, filling bubbles and gaps with green stuff, and bending pieces into shape to undo significant warping. I guess GW doesn't have enough pride in what they're selling to ensure some of the more expensive kits they make, and likely make the most profit on, are high quality.

    I guess this is an example of things people hate about GW, but we still throw our money at them.

    le sigh
    At least it sounds like you got all the pieces, hehe. I wasn't as lucky.

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