Events Phase - Claim an opponents mine; I choose the neighboring dwarfs.
Mine Phase - 250 Points from the new mine! I dedicate 230 of these to 5 Knights of Khorn sent as a relief force to my beseiged Vampire allies.
Move Phase -
1. Skrillix moves back adjacent to my main territory.
2. Andros moves to a central tile.
Battle Phase -
Skrillix defeats Grail Knight Morikhi, forcing his shield back out of the contested satillite tile. I roll the worst possible on the victory table: In the next battle vs that army all opposing units hate mine. This is slightly counteracted by him rolling the best roll on the defeats table: In the next battle vs my army all his units hate mine. Morikhi is felled during the battle, but rolls a 6 on the injury table meaning he escapes injury and gains +1 to a random stat! Skrillix is also run down during combat, but only loses a non-existant magic item on the Character Injury table.
Expedition Phase:
1. Skrillix claims the uncontested tile.
2. Andros builds a mine.
3. The Dwarfs take back their mine.