Justin Johnson
Austin, TX
Death Guard, Ogre Kingdoms
40k, a little fantasy, a lot of computer/console games
Justin Johnson
Austin, TX
Death Guard, Ogre Kingdoms
40k, a little fantasy, a lot of computer/console games
Welcome aboard.
My painting blog.
Want a pick-up game? Text me: 512-981-5340
Hey everyone, I'm JP in South Austin. I mostly play Warmachine/Hordes with a little bit of 40K & Battlefleet Gothic and looking forward to getting into Infinity.
Hey all, I'm Damon.
I play 40k (Chaos Marines: Iron Warriors), Necromunda, & Blood Bowl.
If you've been to 40k night at Dragon's Lair recently: I'm the kid with the mohawk.
Tim Jones
I reckon Tim is more recognizable to the DL players than I am. Welcome to the quiet part of the Internet.
Hi all, my name is Chris. I currently live in Boston but will be moving to Austin in about a week to start a new job! Pretty psyched.
Anyway, I was referred to this site by some of fine folks on the Privateer forums. I visited Austin in January and stopped by The Dragon's Lair so I imagine that will be my LGS. I'm primarily a Warmachine/Hordes player and play a variety of factions. Looking forward to meeting some of you soon.
tl;dr version
Chris Neveu
(soon to be) Austin, TX
Dragon's Lair
Warmachine/Hordes, board games and RPGs
welcome aboard! always good to have some new faces in our quickly growing warmachine group!
my blog - Skorne and Retribution
"I am... unfamiliar with this 'Molik Karn missile'. Is it something I should be concerned with?" - PP Forum battle report
"Luck is statistics taken personally" - Penn Jillette
Stony said...
After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."