So, yeah, I haven't been around here in ages but now that I'm back in Austin I'd like to get in some games this week. I can be at DL really anytime after 1 tomorrow and would love to play some 40k with either my orks or Sisters of Battle but I could also play fantasy with my empire I suppose.
I'm looking to be there for a 5:30 game vs. Matt's skaven, but could be there early (even 1) to get in a game of Fantasy if you like. Sounds like you're more interested in 40k and maybe Dwarfs don't appeal, so let me know.
That depends on what your thoughts on steam tanks are I suppose? haha, but nah I'll play your dwarves, maybe I can win this time!
Uhm since you have a game at 5:30 I think if we get playing around 2:30 at the latest we should be good? 1 works for me but 2 is good as well