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Thread: DEC 21 Warhammer Fantasy 2500pts Wrap up.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    DEC 21 Warhammer Fantasy 2500pts Wrap up.

    Wrap up in the sense that this is just a wrap of the rules and announcement that need to be made now before we get to the store on the 21st.
    1 The entry fee of $5 still stands so yes you need to pay as well as pay for you rerolls. The store needs cash for the prize support and the rerolls all go to charity.
    2 No End of Times Magic. Combined armies are allowed.
    3 All the rules for the dollar reroll as posted in the other thread are still in effect.
    4 Swedish Comp. Figure out your comp score, it will not be used for the bonus points but used for first round matches.
    5 ET roster will have a comp score of X. X is equal to how soft or hard your list is seen to be by me.
    6 When you arrive at the store on the 21, please come see me so I can jot down your name and comp score.
    7 After thought and some consideration no named characters from any of the ET books.
    Last edited by Geist; 12-12-2014 at 01:29 AM.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

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