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Thread: Start of Turn 3

  1. #1
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014

    Start of Turn 3

    Sorry guys for the delay on this. I am waiting for the map, we can't declare challenges without that being updated and there has been a hang up with that. I should be able to post it tonight and hopefully we can get challenges done in a timely manner. I will update this post once everything is ready. If you guys can try your best to be active on your faction board later tonight and tomorrow we will try to get challenges worked out quick enough that people can get games in this week still hopefully. I apologize for the delay.

    Updated with current challenges:

    Xenos Challenges
    Tx Plays (Orks) vs RedArmy for Shield Generator on Geminus
    ninjawraithlord (eldar) vs Hogleg for Manufactorum on Ranov
    Zoro (Tau) vs DandyPandy for empty space between Imperial Manufactorum, Imperial Hive, Chaos Shield Generator, Chaos Space Port on Ranov

    ccrazzyyman (Tau) vs Bully Mike for spaceport on Orias
    eaglesmvp (eldar) vs Kaika for Command Bastion on Orias
    Randomnumber (eldar) vs Caldera for Manufactorum on Orias

    Imperial Challenges
    RedArmy vs JW for shield gen on ranov
    Real Genius vs Noodlers for shield gen on Balin V
    Ball4eva vs Sloth for power station on Balin V

    Crp vs ccrazyyman for power station on ranov
    Hogleg vs randomnumber for hive city on ranov
    Dandy vs ninjawraithlord for power station on geminus

    Chaos Challenges
    Caldera vs eaglesmvp for Hive City on Orias
    Sloth vs zoro for Shield Gen on Orias
    Bullymike vs TxPlays for Power Station on Orias

    Kaika vs ball4eva for hex to the left of our manufactorum on orias
    JohnWayne vs RG for hex to the right of spaceport on ranov
    Noodlers vs CRP for Hive city on Ranov
    Last edited by RedArmy; 08-13-2015 at 02:45 PM.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  2. #2
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    The system has been raging with battle as all manner of races clash over the territory and treasures lost here. As these battles rage, there was a massive echo of sound wave that was heard throughout the system, and all races experienced the same loss of radio contact for some moments before things regained their normal functioning.

    Just before this there were creaks and moans heard on Balin V, as old doors long lost to time have begun to crack. Whispers are spreading through the sector that cultists and warbands of Chaos have been seen with wicked looking weaponry, glowing with some strange power unknown. Why and what this means is not yet known …

    Ok, I was going to write a very prosey-short story to open this, but I am in an unbelievably busy time at work right now and I just didn’t have time for it. However, the gains made on Balin V have bought the hordes of Chaos a boon for this turn at least …

    Edited - The map is now correct I believe, so factions please start figuring out and issuing your challenges. As some of the maps become more congested, if two factions declare an attack on the same hex, the faction that issues the challenge first will get the challenge (determined by when those challenges are sent to me), the other faction will have to choose a new target.

    I am very, very busy this week with work but I will try to respond to emails/PMs as soon as possible so that we hopefully are able to get our games in this week. Here is the map as is:

    The bonuses for the games at the start of the turn are as follows:

    Imperial vs Xenos: Xenos get +1 to deployment, +2 to table sides and seize the initiative
    Imperials get 50 extra points

    Imperial vs Chaos: Both factions get 50 bonus points
    Chaos get +1 to table sides
    Imperials get +1 to deployment, +/- 1 to reserve rolls

    Xenos vs Chaos: Chaos get 50 bonus points
    Xenos get +2 to table sides and seize the initiative
    Xenos get +1 to deployment, +/-1 to reserve rolls and generate one extra warlord trait

    All Chaos matches: The forces of Chaos have found ancient halls of a long lost Necron tomb world. The dark mechanicus has toyed with some of the new technologies and secrets they have found buried there and have made improvements to the armory of their faction. Due to this each chaos faction may choose a single boon per game which must be declared before the game starts:
    1. Targeting systems – once per game a chaos general may declare the use of this, and until the start of their next turn may reroll all 1’s on attack rolls (shooting and close combat).
    2. Improved power cells – once per game a chaos general may declare the use of this, and until the start of their next turn all 6’s in shooting count as AP2 (not compable with Tyranid bio-weapons)
    3. Shielded armor - once per game a chaos general may declare the use of this, and until the start of their next turn they gain the FNP 5+ special rule from special force shielding.
    Last edited by RedArmy; 08-11-2015 at 08:57 AM.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  3. #3
    Senior Member noodlers's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    wow that's really cool

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2014
    Are the Chaos boons given to the whole army or just the General?

  5. #5
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Whole army ... I was on the fence about eliminating "vehicles" from the benefit, so I am open to input ... but it is intended for the whole army.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  6. #6
    I'm assuming for Chaos ability #1 it's to-hit rolls. Is Chaos ability #2 on the to wound/armor penetration rolls in shooting?

  7. #7
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoro View Post
    I'm assuming for Chaos ability #1 it's to-hit rolls. Is Chaos ability #2 on the to wound/armor penetration rolls in shooting?
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2014
    Where is the challenges post for round 3?

  9. #9
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    I am trying to get the challenges worked out right now, they will be out ASAP ... check in our faction section for some info ...
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  10. #10
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    edited to add Imperial defenders, Xenos still have to declare their defenders to the challenges against them, but at this time this is the list of challenges for Turn 3 so some people can see games that can be arranges:

    Xenos Challenges
    Tx Plays (Orks) vs RedArmy for Shield Generator on Geminus
    ninjawraithlord (eldar) vs Hogleg for Manufactorum on Ranov
    Zoro (Tau) vs DandyPandy for empty space between Imperial Manufactorum, Imperial Hive, Chaos Shield Generator, Chaos Space Port on Ranov

    ccrazzyyman (Tau) vs Bully Mike for spaceport on Orias
    eaglesmvp (eldar) vs Kaika for Command Bastion on Orias
    Randomnumber (eldar) vs Caldera for Manufactorum on Orias

    Imperial Challenges
    RedArmy vs JW for shield gen on ranov
    Real Genius vs Noodlers for shield gen on Balin V
    Ball4eva vs Sloth for power station on Balin V

    Crp vs ccrazyyman for power station on ranov
    Hogleg vs randomnumber for hive city on ranov
    Dandy vs ninjawraithlord for power station on geminus

    Chaos Challenges
    Caldera vs eaglesmvp for Hive City on Orias
    Sloth vs zoro for Shield Gen on Orias
    Bullymike vs TxPlays for Power Station on Orias

    Kaika vs ball4eva for hex to the left of our manufactorum on orias
    JohnWayne vs RG for hex to the right of spaceport on ranov
    Noodlers vs CRP for Hive city on Ranov
    Last edited by RedArmy; 08-13-2015 at 02:44 PM.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

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