View Poll Results: What level of interest would you have

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  • I would want to play, and could help GM

    4 25.00%
  • I would want to play, and am capable of committing to keep up with it

    8 50.00%
  • I would like to drop in from time-to-time

    4 25.00%
  • Narrative??? I just want to *$&%-punch people 'cuz I rock

    0 0%
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Thread: New 40k narrative map campaign

  1. #1
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014

    New 40k narrative map campaign

    So, with the escalation league running down there has been talk of what kind of league or whatever we want to run next. I mentioned the idea of doing a map campaign and there seemed to be a lot of interested replies. I can say that when I personally first got into the game back in the mid to late 90s it was through a great shop back in Houston where they ran an amazing map campaign, and we had a blast with it. Obviously no one starts a game hoping to lose, but I also hope this might give a chance and a reason to run some more varied/fun/fluffy/alternate lists and just have some fun with our hobby.

    I'm not promising to run it, or at least to run all of it on my own, but I wanted to see how many people are not only interested but are both willing and able to commit to take part in this on an ongoing basis. I like what Miniwargaming is doing right now where they are doing a narrative campaign, but other players not a part of the actual campaign can come in and get a pick up game and fight for one of the factions. I'm not sure yet how to incorporate that, but I think it would be awesome to be able to do that so that those not able to commit to the campaign can still have some fun with it.

    So, I have vacation today and Monday so I'm just browsing some different campaign rules packets I'm finding on line, and I was wondering what level of interest there actually is in doing something like this. Again this is no promise to run or start anything, but just trying to see if there is enough interest to expend the energy trying to get it off the ground. Please respond to the poll above about the level of interest you have in taking part. The basic options:

    1. You are willing to help run it
    2. You are both willing and able to take part as one of the main forces, and to keep up with the turns (I'm figuring we might need to run it a little slow due to some people's schedule, maybe 3 weeks per turn/phase hopefully - depending on the rules packet of course)
    3. You would like to play some games/drop in, but know that you can't commit to actually keep up with things
    4. Campaign? Narrative? I just want more d*ck punching competitive/tourney play!

  2. #2
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    I have some ideas about this.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  3. #3
    Senior Member rand0mnumb3r's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    I am down for this.

    I Want to play Aspect Warrior Eldar. Also feel free to put a handicap on my army if you need to. I'll be playing Eldar and am rather good at the dick-punching aspect of the hobby so a handicap may help to make for fun games if I get matched up with some of the fluffy/new players.

    Just give me a cool fluffy reason/objective and I'll play with the half the points.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cavematt's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    With my schedule as it is now I might not be able to fully commit, but I like the idea of a map campaign that I could drop in and throw games into it when I could.

    If that gets set up I'm down to play it as much as I can.

  5. #5
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Interested. Give me a week before I even have a spare second to think on this though.

  6. #6
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    Round Rock, TX
    I've never participated in a campaign, so I wouldn't feel comfortable being a GM this time, but I'll definitely commit to playing. I used to love running rpg's when I was much younger, so I may be down for it later.

  7. #7
    At dragons lair, and what would be the timeline?
    Ive been getting back into the hobby and this would be a fun way to do so, considering ive always wanted to be in a campaign.

    Also I think the Miniwargaming thing they are doing RN is pretty awesome too.

    "ok now that makes a lot of sense. yes you are correct ultramarines are the most boring version of the most boring army which is space marines." -Noodlers

  8. #8
    Senior Member eaglesmvp11's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    I can definitely commit to this. Would we need to play particular forces? I have Eldar and Marines, and small forces of Orks and Nids

  9. #9
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjawraithlord View Post
    At dragons lair, and what would be the timeline?
    Ive been getting back into the hobby and this would be a fun way to do so, considering ive always wanted to be in a campaign.
    Not sure on the timeline yet. I would like it to start while interest is high, but as I've been searching the last couple of days I was hoping to find a good rules packet out there that could at least come close to being directly used. What I'm finding is that, to me, there is some good ideas in alot of the rules packets, but also alot bad in all of them. That means I need to take more time to Frankenstein something together. I'm also looking for input from some of the others interested in running/helping to run it.

    As far as the where, Dragon's Lair is our home, yes. However if particular games are arranged to take place elsewhere, that would almost surely be fine as well ...

  10. #10
    Member noah2015.5's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Maybe those interested could set a time some weekend to meet and talk about this more in person. I have some map campaign books my old gaming group created that could help with making the Frankenstein

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