The art and preview renders makes it look like this will make a beautiful Sisters army. Highly recommend checking out the models.
There are 6 total army styles, including elves too, in both fantasy and sci-fi.
I see some female Haemonculi and Wracks joining my DE too whenever this ships.
Apparently they are in the process of writing their own game to companion with the line too.
And this quote from the page is what I love to hear "By the way, if you are wondering how to pick your minis to be ready for the TGG tabletop game, don't worry about this too much: we all hate those games where you can never play your favourite cool-looking mini because of her lousy stats! Our list-building system will allow you tons of versatility so that you can play exactly the minis that you like."
Last edited by morella888; 03-25-2015 at 09:53 AM.