This Tuesday in a effort to save the fantasy old gard from a painful death Nat the Great and I (your loving TO overlord), shall be playing Kings of War Beta Second Edition that can be found online. So for those of you who dont know didnt know or are still drinking the AoS kool aide heres the word.
Come down with your toys and watch the Kings being played out. If it strikes your intrest we can set up other matches and have a group rule love in(less love more how does this work) thing.
All you will need is
Pen Paper for army list (which will take lil to no time)
Dice d6 no other types needed at all.
Something to measure with and dick jokes while funny wont measure so none of that.
Your toys. Bring whatever you want to use, points and models in the book will tell us what you can and cant field. Most models will have a type in the book but it is beta so no promises for every thing you own. I know I feel the pain as well.
See you lot there.
Oh yah points lets keep it simple and do 1k maybe 1200 or 1500. Points go alot further in Kings than then do / did in WFB.
Latters my peeps from another meep.