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Thread: The Chaos Chronicles

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Kiwidru The Chaos Chronicles 03-22-2012, 12:30 PM
Kiwidru February - Events Phase -... 03-22-2012, 12:45 PM
Kiwidru March - Events Phase - The... 03-22-2012, 01:02 PM
Kiwidru End of Season Event - Los... 03-22-2012, 01:14 PM
Red Zeke Awesome! I'll try to post up... 03-24-2012, 10:08 PM
Kiwidru April Events Phase- The... 03-28-2012, 10:46 AM
Kiwidru May - Events Phase - One... 04-04-2012, 08:17 AM
Kiwidru June - Place Armies - El... 04-12-2012, 10:26 AM
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  1. #1

    The Chaos Chronicles

    January -
    Events Roll - One Army may make an immediate move; Skrillix moves to the Brettonian border.

    Movement -
    1. Skrillix moves away from Morikhi, and into Dark Elf territory.
    2. Andros moves to an adjacent uncontested tile.
    3. El Jefé is engaged by King Egilson.

    Battle Phase -
    El Jefé's army is defeated by King Egilson, and rolls "Lose a Regiment of Renown" on the defeats table. This has no effect because the army doesn't have one, however the shield is scattered and removed from the map. King Egilson gains a free magic banner from the victory table, which he gives to his shield warriors.

    Expedition Phase -
    1. Skrillix claims the Dark Elf Tile
    2. Andros claims the uncontested tile.
    3. King Egilson claims a Warrior tile
    Last edited by Kiwidru; 03-22-2012 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    February -

    Events Phase - Claim an opponents mine; I choose the neighboring dwarfs.

    Mine Phase - 250 Points from the new mine! I dedicate 230 of these to 5 Knights of Khorn sent as a relief force to my beseiged Vampire allies.

    Move Phase -
    1. Skrillix moves back adjacent to my main territory.
    2. Andros moves to a central tile.

    Battle Phase -
    Skrillix defeats Grail Knight Morikhi, forcing his shield back out of the contested satillite tile. I roll the worst possible on the victory table: In the next battle vs that army all opposing units hate mine. This is slightly counteracted by him rolling the best roll on the defeats table: In the next battle vs my army all his units hate mine. Morikhi is felled during the battle, but rolls a 6 on the injury table meaning he escapes injury and gains +1 to a random stat! Skrillix is also run down during combat, but only loses a non-existant magic item on the Character Injury table.
    Expedition Phase:
    1. Skrillix claims the uncontested tile.
    2. Andros builds a mine.
    3. The Dwarfs take back their mine.
    Last edited by Kiwidru; 03-22-2012 at 07:45 PM.

  3. #3
    March -

    Events Phase - The warriors racial trait counts as a wizards tower due to winning a battle with Skrillix, this bestows a regiment of renown: Das Stündlaasters.

    Mine Phase - 50 free points.

    Move Phase -
    1. Skrillix moves back into my territory
    2. Andros moves to an uncontested tile adjacent to my territory.

    Battle Phase -
    The Warriors are defeated in a proxy battle between the vampire counts. Since the warriors were 'rogue' no Heros were used and no battle results are rolled, and my bsb gained fear via eye of the gods, but it wasn't permanent.

    Expedition Phase -
    1. Skrillix builds a Wizards Tower - The Observatory of Absolute Truth.
    2. Andros claims the uncontested tile.
    3. The Dark Elves reclaim their tile.
    Last edited by Kiwidru; 03-26-2012 at 09:38 AM.

  4. #4
    End of Season Event - Los Pantanos Diabolicos!!!

    2 Relics were found in warrior territory, and a low roll on the 3d6 for table positions had Andros on table 3 vs Fimir. A narrow victory gained:
    1. A swamp tile.
    2. Los Castillianos, A Regiment of Renown via the victory table.
    3. A Fimir-Skin Cloak for the BSB (6+ Scaly Skin), and a roll on the Eye of the Gods Table.
    4. 3 Relics.
    5. Andros was dropped during battle and suffered a minor injury of -1 T in his next battle.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Red Zeke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Awesome! I'll try to post up something similar. Would love to see this from everyone to help keep track of things gained and lost.
    "Tournament record and placings to let everyone know what a big deal I am."

    A scorpion is still a scorpion until it gets a skull for a face - then it's a Warhammer scorpion. -Mark Harrison, GW Miniatures Design

  6. #6

    Events Phase-
    The newly erected Observatory of Absolute Truth grants Stubborn to El Jefé's bodyguard, Los Conquistidores Nurglos: Bearers of the Festering Shroud of Tirun.

    Move Phase-
    All armies are replaced on the tiles.
    1. El Jefé moves into the mountains, muttering "egilson" like a John Huges principal.
    2. Skrillix moves to claim one of the last remaining unclaimed tiles, adjactent to the dark elf lands.
    3. Morikhi engages Andros at the Observatory of Absolute Truth.
    4. Vampire allies, en route to claim fresh territory, move to defend The Observatory.
    5. Andros cannot move since an enemy shield is also in the tile.

    Mine Phase-
    The mine produces a relic! It might have done something else that I forgot/squandered.

    Battle Phase-
    Morikhi (3,800 pts) vs Andros (1,600 pts) and Vampire allies (1,600 pts), set on a 8'x4' battlefield. The Brettonians would all hate chaos models as per Morikhi's previous roll on the defeats table.
    An Awesome game in every sense, with many epic moments, "lead changes", and heros doing heroic things. It was really cool to see a larger than normal game, and all three of us were able to adapt to the changes easily. We decided that since it was my territory, Andros would be the general. I thought it would be really cool if Adam and I just pulled units from our normal lists and tossed them on the field. He felt that a strong caster was too crucial to VC's playstyle and opted to toss in a necrolord. I couldn't disagree from a listbuilding standpoint, although I'm not sure it really mattered on the table: Wizards counted as loremaster from the observatory, most of our magic phases were paltry, and Andros was already lvl 4 for dispelling. In the end, our alliance came away with 200 more points than the brettonians... A technical win, although it was much more of a tie at those points levels. No Heros of Legend were dropped, Andros came away with a free standard worth 50 points from the victory table, and Morihki rolled a 6 on the defeats table again (!!), and will hate both warrior and vampire counts in his next battles against them. Somehow, my vampire allies snuck their reward away while I was distracted with aftergame banter... Those vampire counts are a sneaky bunch.

    Expedition phase-
    1. El Jefé reclaims the wartorn mountains.
    2. Morikhi is forced backwards one tile
    3. Skrillix claims the uncontested tile
    4. Andros' tile already has an upgrade.

  7. #7
    May -

    Events Phase - One army may make a move / capture one unupgraded enemy tile. Like a fool, El Jefé moved into the swamp towards King Egilson. I probably should have just grabbed a tile (the dwarven swamp looks much greener than mine).

    Move Phase-
    1. Emile enters an unoccupied warrior territory
    2. Runelord engages El Jefé in the swamp.
    3. Dark Elves challange Emile for the right to claim my territory
    4. Andros moves to a river tile adjactent to the mine and observatory
    5. Skrillix moves into Brettonian territory
    6. Fimir move into an unoccupied warrior territory.

    Mine Phase -
    Another Relic! And a free 30 point magic item! Woo woo!

    Battle Phase -
    Skrillix vs Fimir Pope
    Mead's event was choose to deploy first or second, and decide to go first or second. He opted for deploy second go first, strong play. A great game had me winning a small left flank, him destroying my mid, and then a monster 12" str 6 comet decimating the right flank before the pope and his maneaters crushed the few survivors. I rolled a 1 on the defeats table, meaning all his units cause fear to me next battle (I've learned to fear the gnoblar as well); I believe he got Elite Army, which raises his special/rare allowances. Skrillix was also slain trying to take down the pope in a last act of desperation/fury/spite... And ended up being captured on the injury table! This aggression will not stand, man.

    Expedition Phase -
    1. Skrillix's army is conveniently scattered. Circle takes the square, I mean Fimir, and Tile.
    2. El Jefé's army is scattered, Make the 3+ swampsave.
    3. Emile is pushed back into his territory, Dark Elves take the warrior tile.
    4. Andros builts a castle.

    I knew I would never be able to hold those two central tiles, and would have traded them both for a relic prior to this turn. As such it kinda worked out. Summer rules negate most of the drawbacks of losing the armies, and I've got some comeuppance to dole out next turn.

  8. #8
    June -

    Place Armies - El Jefé was placed back in the Grateful Dead Marshes, engaging rune lord Hroddr, Skrillix appeared in the mountains on the edge of dwarven territory.

    Events - The (newly remodeled) Observatory granted the ability to move an enemy army, and the dwarves lost Hroddr to capture! The Marshes are a cruel mistress.

    1. El Jefé and Hroddr's leaderless rabble are locked down.
    2. Andros moves through Skrillix's mountains and onto the dwarven fort.
    3. Skrillix move one tile to the heart of warrior territory.
    4. The Dark Elf Army on the border of my territory was moved two tiles back toward the coast

    A free relic!! And a 60 point magic item!!! I'm throwing rocks with this rivermine!

    El Jefé vs the remains of Hroddr's army. A dismal showing in most respects, my sorc lord miscast the first spell and dropped to level one, only to next turn wander too close to a spell casting terrain piece, get fireballed: 3 hits, 3 wounds, 3 failed saves. The organ gun went 10/8/10 before blowing up and panicing the thunderers off the right flank. And the dual bolt throwers, although MoN helped with misses a bit, wounded out on every accurate shot. A couple of failed 6" charges and the dwarves were able to mop up the survivors. My bsb got +1 Ld from dropping his dwarven foil, but was felled a turn later by massed gw dwarves, i still need to see if the LD is permanent. In the end I was down a few hundred points (and he didn't have his runelord on anvil in the list ! ). luckily El Jefé is increasing in military prowess and only got his army pushed back a tile, rather than scattered. The Bsb, who I need to update, got a minor injury of -1 T in the next battle. Dwarves got elite army, increaseing their special and rare allowance.

    1. El Jefé was forced back a tile.
    2. Skrillix builds a Herdstone

    The rest will be finished at the beginning of next weeks game.
    Last edited by Kiwidru; 04-13-2012 at 02:13 PM.

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