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Thread: Whats new in the competitive world?

  1. #11
    Senior Member rand0mnumb3r's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I just wish GW would try to make equally powerful decurion bonuses for other armies.

    The Ork and IG decurion are just so bad, and combined with incredibly rigid army composition requirements. The Ork deucrion actually manages to nerf orks if you use it. Thats how bad it is. My hats off to GW for managing to nerf a codex with a supplement. I actually didn't think it could be done. But GW found a way. Bravo GW. Bravo. *claps*

    and this was after like 2 months of space wolves/tau/marines getting ridiculous formations and such. It is kind of painful to think about actually lol
    I Noodlers, solemnly swear not to buy any new or used models until I have completed the following

    Painted my Chaos Space Marines, Dark Angels, and Imperial Guard to a tournament standard

  2. #12
    Gw has a hard time making rules work

    "ok now that makes a lot of sense. yes you are correct ultramarines are the most boring version of the most boring army which is space marines." -Noodlers

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