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Thread: Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?

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  1. #11
    Senior Member rand0mnumb3r's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by RedArmy View Post
    It seems like the forum has died as far as traffic and posting goes. I know that the death of fantasy has fractured that side of the community a bit, but that seems like less than a full explanation for why no one seems to post anything much here any more. I think we have a great gaming community with interest in a lot of different games ... it sucks to see the life drained from our online message boards.
    People have lost the will to complain and bitch. (which is the lifeblood of the hobby ironically it seems)

    We've also lost a large chunk of people to X-wing because its "balanced" (its not but whatever)

    Tyson is coming to terms with flyrants and is MIA. So we don't get his awesome threads anymore.

    Mike is just MIA.(probably dry humping his stompa and scorpion, and ranting about ITC escalation rules somewhere.)

    The "Elite GT players" have sworn off playing in Austin and are MIA.

    All the new players that have joined have no idea the forums exist.

    I think that covers most of it

    edit- and of course Mike would appear right before I post this. (that video is perfect for this forum lol)
    Last edited by rand0mnumb3r; 10-12-2015 at 12:34 PM.
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