I had fun playing it last night but if n3 was supposed to be the easily accessible easy to understand infinity they have a lot of work left to do.
Just to give one example, the way to do a shooting attack is an ARO could use a lot of work. They word things too fluffy. "Angus gets shot before he can even pull the trigger!" I know it seems like it should be obvious, but there is never a need to leave anything open to interpretation. Why not just "Angus is hit and must make a successful ARM roll or reduce his wounds by 1." Plus the example is bad because you'll almost never do an active turn shot with just one burst. They should have explained how to resolve the other shots from the burst.
And the book isn't complete. You still have to download the rules for like 60% of the models and also a lot of weapons, abilities, ammo, etc. And what is there is spread all over the book, so first you have to find the model your using to see it's BS, then look up it's weapon for Range Band/Dam/b, then look up any special ammo rules it might have. Fans have already started laying out new docs that organize the information better.
I like the Infinity models enough that I'll play regardless. I am honestly excited about N3, and looking forward to playing more but I feel like they wasted an opportunity.