How many points will people be bringing on thursday evening? I heard about the multiple foc's at 2000the being a problem. What size list should we all plan to have ready?
How many points will people be bringing on thursday evening? I heard about the multiple foc's at 2000the being a problem. What size list should we all plan to have ready?
Originally Posted by RigphoriaOriginally Posted by SplugOriginally Posted by Rigphoria
I was gonna default to a 2k list with standard (read:1999-pt) FOC, but I'll bring all of my stuff so that I can improvise other lists at smaller point values. I want to test out new mechanics with lists I'm familiar with and not mess with that in any significant way. I'm not even gonna try allies out until I think I have a grasp on what I need in a 6th Ed army.
I'm bringing 2k single force org lists. Maybe I'll have allies, maybe not.
I will also bring a bastion and an aegis line or two. Since I sort of have that stuff.
after playing a game this weekend and watching a bit, I would highly recommend taking smaller lists just to get a feel of the rules again. like sub 1500 points. When I played chris we easily had 3-4 things per player turn we had to double check. The core mechanics are there, but you will forget stuff and need to get the book out. And the large books are awesome and all, but not as easy to flip through as the smaller books...can't wait for those to come out.
Stony said...
After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."
If you take 2 foc's you must of course bring 2 hq's and 4 troops. Not that this is a problem at 2k.
I won't mind if I'm playing against Nids and they get 6 elites this way.
I'll probably bring 1500 to 2k.
So basically, i should get lists together for 1000, 1500, 1850, and 2000. Fair enough.
I'm also looking at avoiding allies for a bit; see if I'm actually hurting for anti-tank or not now that glance spam will break things.
Originally Posted by RigphoriaOriginally Posted by SplugOriginally Posted by Rigphoria
I'm with the Goat, I think that's a good size for sixth.