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Thread: have sw, csm and warmachine and hordes looking WE O&G

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  1. #1

    have sw, csm and warmachine and hordes looking WE O&G

    looking for
    20 zombies in spure or assembled
    10 metal ghouls
    3 dogs (wolfhound of orion or mordheim dogs)
    12 skeletons in sprue or assembled
    treant any edition
    rat swarm bases x 4
    2 ogres (dog of war version will be really sweet)
    fortified manor
    trolls new plastic ones or chaos trolls the more

    ghordson basher
    high shields gun corps x 8
    high shield officer
    forge guard x 8
    horgenhold artillery corps x 2
    gordson avalancher
    the wanderer

    Have the following

    box of winged lancers 7 torsos and 5 legs
    landraider crusader husk

    8 space wolves grey hunters mostly in sprue plus additional torsos shoulder pads from the previous edition
    4 space wolves terminators mostly on sprues
    10 csm termies
    1 csm termie lord metal one

    lootas still in box

    imperial guar
    catachan heavy weapon set still in box (3 weapons team)

    Gatormen posse+1
    bad juju (gatormen solo w warbeast)

    cryx (pending)
    pistol wraith
    captain rengrave
    black banes ghost riders
    defilers chickenjacks
    revenent cannon crew

    retribution (pending)
    garrythl blade of retribution
    kaelisa night whisper
    mage hunter stryke force
    ghost sniper
    narn mag hunter
    stryke force comander
    souless escort

    also some star wars figures
    none of them have weapons or accessories
    at at driver 2009
    at at driver kenner 1997
    at at driver 2010 with removable helmet
    death star droid kenner 1997
    shadow scout trooper from the comic pack
    shadow scout trooper character from the comic pack
    4 lom kenner 1997
    tusken raider x 2
    greedo w blue vest
    commander faye
    darth vader from alternate reality comic pack no helmet
    han solo in at st outfit
    kashykk scout trooper
    mcfarlen snow troopermissing the neck gear protection
    mcfarlen rebel trooper missing helmet
    dark mistress from the comic pack
    amidala as naboo fighter pilot
    greedo newest version
    chewabacca from hoth
    princess lea slave outfit kenner 1997
    white and grey boba fett
    boba fett 2000
    general cody hologram
    mc farlene darthvader
    mc farlene stromtrooper
    pit droid
    biker scout kenner
    kit fisto underwater
    luke skywalker from bespin newer version
    anakin skywalker vw tribal tatoos
    blue grey and yellow R unit
    grey and silver R unit
    shadow stormtooper
    revenge of the sith obi wan kenobi
    padme amidala in black and silver dress
    general gree kashykk x 2
    hoth stormtrooper
    wdge antilles x wing
    black R4 unit
    wolfman jedi
    biker scout newer version
    at st scout clone trooper x2
    senate guard blue with double crest
    imperial royal guard
    battle droid thick legs version
    han solo from hoth
    x wing pilot with grey helmet
    obi wan kenobi in clone trooper conversion
    female imperial officer from the comic pack
    imperial gunner no vest or helmet
    imperial gunner with vest and helmet
    mcfarlene general grieves
    asaj ventress clone wars not animated
    target exclusive anakin lava effect
    target exclusive obi wan lava effect
    general grievious with lava effect
    shadow scout trooper
    shadow royal guard
    sith from the jokers squad
    sand people jedi master
    han solo hoth oufit no cap
    star slayer female hero
    general veers
    Last edited by skuller; 04-01-2011 at 10:38 AM. Reason: update new want and have

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