Xpost from Dakka - I figure posting here is more appropriate. I moved to RR/AUS from San Antonio at the end of July and am lookin forward to getting some 40k/warmahorde games going. Within the past few years I've really developed a passion for the hobby aspect of all of this and have gone pretty hardcore into painting/modeling terrain. What I'm trying to work on now is painting fleshtones and faces. Sometimes I can paint a face or flesh and it comes out great, and sometimes it comes out real muddy. I have a hard time finding a consistent method that makes me happy, and am readily willing to admit my problem areas and learn from someone better. I've recently picked up an airbrush and absolutely love it, and want to pick up any tips from vet airbrushers.
http://citadels.imgur.com - My imgur gallery shows most of the work that I've done over the past year or so, can find a lot of examples of stuff throughout but here are some specifics:
http://i.imgur.com/DfneK8Z.jpg - face weird and muddy cloak, I can't seem to keep clean.
http://i.imgur.com/2sV1AOe.jpg - Same thing.
http://i.imgur.com/XcxmysH.jpg - Same thing.
http://i.imgur.com/bQHAbP4.jpg - Not sure what to do with it. I don't to dry brush because I'm afraid it will gunk it up, so I left it as is.
Anyway, I would be more than happy to throw in a few bones, a six/twelve/eighteen pack, lunch, dinner, or just meet a new friend that wants to meet regularly for painting and/or dice throwing. I live in the Round Rock area and have a wonky work schedule, but I'm sure we could work something out.
Hit me up via PM or reply to the post. I'm currently trying to finish my Cryx army (~160 pts) and will be working on ~6k of nids after that.