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Thread: The Chaos Chronicles

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  1. #1
    March -

    Events Phase - The warriors racial trait counts as a wizards tower due to winning a battle with Skrillix, this bestows a regiment of renown: Das Stündlaasters.

    Mine Phase - 50 free points.

    Move Phase -
    1. Skrillix moves back into my territory
    2. Andros moves to an uncontested tile adjacent to my territory.

    Battle Phase -
    The Warriors are defeated in a proxy battle between the vampire counts. Since the warriors were 'rogue' no Heros were used and no battle results are rolled, and my bsb gained fear via eye of the gods, but it wasn't permanent.

    Expedition Phase -
    1. Skrillix builds a Wizards Tower - The Observatory of Absolute Truth.
    2. Andros claims the uncontested tile.
    3. The Dark Elves reclaim their tile.
    Last edited by Kiwidru; 03-26-2012 at 09:38 AM.

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