Quote Originally Posted by noodlers View Post
just like an elite gt players army list, you don't mess with perfection.

so, they should let well enough alone and follow the script
I disagree. The book has hundreds of extra pages that they cannot film in a 10 episode season. The logistics behind adapting books to the screen are always going to outweigh the potential "extras" they could film. But in reality if they film everything just like the book, you'd end up with a bunch of characters that no one remembers from season-to-season except for the hardcore fans. So it basically just becomes a bunch of extra fan-wank. On top of that, that "perfect script" you mentioned - it isn't done yet... and they can't wait until Bran turns 30 to film his part of the story.

All they have done in the past is condensed/combined characters down which has been fine. Grey Worm/Dario are an example of this. They cut out a character and split his impact between those two and it still works for TV. Which is my point, that its working for TV.

That said - This last episode... yes, they changed a lot. I guess we'll hafta see if it pans out. Which is kinda the point...To keep you watching, because TV.