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Thread: Dump 'em at your Congressman's office

  1. #1
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Not Austin

    Dump 'em at your Congressman's office

    1200 WOAI news reports the measure also allows county sheriff’s deputies or city police officers to ‘request an agent or employee of the United States Senator or United States Representative to sign a document acknowledging the release or discharge of the illegal immigrant at the senator’s or representative’s office. The measure covers individuals who are ‘not a citizen or national of the United States’ and who is ‘unlawfully present in the United States.’
    This is a brilliant idea. Maybe some actual work will get done in Washington once we got some illegal labor up in there.
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  2. #2
    UUDDLRLRBA... over 9000!
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I just send em my yellow pages book and forward all my junkmail to the state capital. I think if more people did that, they'd take a stand against things that really matter, like my mail.

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