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Thread: Sad to say

  1. #1
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014

    Sad to say

    I write this not really happy about it, but I am calling an end to the campaign at this point. We are up to know the 7th or 8th drop with Bullymike hitting the eject button. 8 out of 18 games this past turn went unplayed, which is very nearly half of them. I put a poll up almost a week ago and have a grand total of 2 votes outside of my own on it. Constantly shifting factions, having to slide people between factions to make numbers work.

    It's a bit disappointing because I am a big believer in both organized play, and a more fluffy or at least alternative style of play to get us outside of just kicking each other in the dicks with tournament lists. Things like this are what got me to love the game way back in its infancy. That said, between all of this instability, I have also had several both personal and job-related stressors and crises happening that have prevented me from giving as much narrative flair as I had intended as well.

    I think that it's important to have organized play like this as it gets us out of our clicks. That is good all around - it is good for the new players as they can easily get games and make new friends, and it's good for older more established players as it forces you to interact with other lists and people outside of your normal group. Both are good things for the community, and I know from conversations that others agree. It is just good for the community.

    Brian/Jon I know that we have talked some about ongoing efforts for organized play going forward, and I both support that idea and will gladly help in any role that may be needed. I wish this had lasted longer, had played out differently. But that being said, I had alot of fun at times, and definately got to meet a lot of new people through this.

    Thanks to all of you who participated. I hope some of you enjoyed your time as well. A particular thanks to RG for helping me with the maps and the time and effort that you put in there. A big thanks also to those who let me bounce ideas off you and helped to proof the rules, as well as those who helped with insight and ideas as those rules were refined.

    I'll still see you guys around the shop, and hope to see you opposite the table from me (or at the Jim's after-party ;p ) soon. Thanks again for everyone who took part in this in any capacity.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  2. #2
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    Round Rock, TX
    Thank you for running it! I know you put a lot of work into it and it was an impressive undertaking. I'm sad to see it end early. I hope the community continues with some sort of organized play in the future.

  3. #3
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Thank you for organizing as well. I enjoyed the setup.

  4. #4
    Senior Member noodlers's Avatar
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    Thanks for running it Todd, I had a great time and it gave me a reason to play an army I never play.

  5. #5
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Thanks guys, and Brian I'm serious about that conversation we had with Jon the last week - we need to get to planning/figuring out another organized play system to roll out next/soon - whether we do the challenge league, another escalation league or something else.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    I vote for Challenge League.

  7. #7
    Thank you for all the effort put into this, I enjoyed it!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Hey, I'm on my way but might be a couple of minutes late.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  9. #9
    Hey RedArmy thanks for trying it out. It did get me away from fantasy and into 40K for a bit. It was an ambitious campaign and interesting while it lasted.

    Honestly I'd love to play more scenarios, games like attacking a trench line or fending off an ambush, or any number of scenarios that are in the forgeworld or older codices. Seems a little harder to do it in pick up play though but I'd like if whatever organized play had more of those involved.

  10. #10
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    I had fun every single game....and I lost most of them.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

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