Hey guys, I got a Forge World Huron in recently to paint him up as my Belial, and I had him soaking in water with dish soap for about a day following some instructions I found online about how the lubricant from the mold makes it so the GW paints don't stay on the model very well.
When I pulled him out this afternoon and dried him, the model was STILL coated in the lubricant. So I've taken an old toothbrush and scrubbed at the model with dish soap on the brush, under running warm water, and there's STILL lubricant all over the model. I've gotten the more smooth parts relatively clean, but I don't know what to do about this. I wanted to have him ready for the tournament tomorrow, and since I'm still a newbie painter, I can't paint after assembling him. Can any of you guys offer me nuggets of wisdom on this?