Thank for the insight, Caldera02. The retrofire jets were just added because it got me to 1999pts. Dropping them would give me 11 points to "play" with I suppose. Maybe I'll get a Sattershard or Casket of Flensing for one of the Haemys to play with. Other than that, my list is kinda tight points wise. I'd love to get 1 more Incubi, cause more I5 power weapon attks can't hurt(me that is). I'm sure this list will be getting amended after I start playing it, so I will see from there.
Edit: After playtesting my list a lil bit, I decided that I needed a few more threatening units on the table to distract attention from my fragile Hellions. So I can up with this list. It give me some more toys to play with, and my opponent will really have to make some difficult targeting choices.
o 3x Haemoculi:3x Hex Rifles
o Baron Sathonyx:105
o 5x Incubi:
Venom:Nightshield, 2xSplinterCannon
o 4x Kabalite Trueborn:4x Blasters
Venom:Nightshield, 2xSplinterCannon
o 9x Hellions:Helliarch, Stunclaw
o 10x Hellions:Helliarch, Stunclaw, PhantasmGL
o 10x Hellions:Helliarch, Stunclaw, PhantasmGL
o 10x Kabalite Warriors:Splinter Cannon
Raider:Nightshield,Flicker Field,Splinter Racks
Fast Attack
o 6x Reavers:2xCaltrops,
o 5x Scourges: 2x Haywire Grenade Launchers
Heavy Support
o Ravager:Fickerfield, Night Shields
o Voidraven Bomber:Flickerfield, Night Shields, 2x Implosion Missles, 2x Shattershard Missles
Last edited by Blackyujiro; 10-29-2010 at 07:42 PM.