So here is the 1st draft of the DE list i'm planning. It probably won't be terribly competitve, but I will have fun cackling maniacally as my Hellions, Reavers and Venoms rip and run around the board.

Baron Sathonyx

Archon: Shadow Field, Drug Dispenser, Agonizer, Phantasm Gren Launcher

4x Incubi
Venom: Splinter Cannon

4x Trueborn: 4x Blasters
Venom: Splinter Cannon

3x Trueborn: 2x Dark Lances
Venom: Splinter Cannon

15x Hellions: Helliarch w/PGL, Stunclaw

15x Hellions: Helliarch w/PGL, Stunclaw

15x Hellions: Helliarch w/PGL, Agonizer

6x Reavers: 2 Cluster Caltrops

5x Reavers: Blaster

Ravager: Night Shields, Flicker Field

1994 total

What do you guys think? I'm trying to figure out if I should drop something for another Ravager/some other HS unit as I am pretty sure heavy armor will give me some issues with only 5 DLs and 5 Blasters.