Archdomia Makeda
Master Tormentor Morghoul
Tyrant Xerxis

Cyclops Savage
Basilisk Drake
Basilisk Krea
2x Titan Gladiator
Titan Cannoneer
Bronzeback Titan
Molik Karn

6x Cataphract Cetrati
6x Paingiver Beast Handlers / Tormentors
6x Bloodrunners
Tyrant Commander and Standard Bearer
Venator Catapult Crew

Extoller Soulward
Saxon Orrik (Minion Character Solo)

Also included are a Patch and Pin from thr 2007 Call to Arms event.

All of the models are intact, with a few exceptions. A few of the arms have fallen off of the titans, and the Standard bearer's standard is also disassociated from the model. However, I have all of the pieces, just a quick glue / green stuff and you're good to go. The Retail on it is somewhere around $520 for the entire lot, but I wouldn't expect that price, as clearly, they are not in box and have been used in play =) (just giving an idea for the range if you wanted everything here in a shopping cart at retail)

I'm willing to break things up, of course, but I'd prefer to sell it in chunks, rather than one Cataphract at a time