I stopped in today. They do have some 40K stuff and the basic warmahordes stuff. Apparently GW has a new Tier that isn't **** TIER (amirite?) so they didn't have to order WHFB or LOTR. That's interesting and refreshing. Its just a smattering of things, but of course they can order anything you want. Interestingly, they have a bunch of Mordhiem stuff. Blisters, boxed armies...
As far as gaming space, its small. Lets just be honest with ourselves and say its small. Does it fit their current needs? Sure, I don't know what the "scene" is like in cedar park, so I don't know how it would be utilized. They have some fairly nice furniture, which worries me as far as durability if and when they get tables to put on top of them. Maybe they should invest in the classic white 6' tables, maybe they want to do like Dragon's lair and build some permanent fixtures. I know plenty of people on this board have built tables and terrain, and honestly they need some guidance and advice in that department.
Its run buy a group of "nice enough" guys, as in I got a good vibe from them and they really want to make a go of it. Time will tell what kind of store they become, which was a topic on their facebook page. They sell lots of boardgames, magic, some yugioh, and are starting to get into comics. They also sell the big RPGS (4e, pathfinder) with a smattering of the lesser known titles that have their audiences.
If I were to just make an off the cuff statement, They feel like BFG with less comics, more boardgames, and the burning desire to get into wargaming just no focus yet. They did have Dystopian wars too, I forgot to mention that. I picked up the rule book there.
I think they could hold 10 man tournaments, and it might be a viable option on the weekends (Saturday tournament starting at 10? how long has it been since y'all had that?)
I think they are cool guys, and I'll try to spend more time there as they develop their gaming community. It helps that its 10 minutes from the house