I'm looking into getting into Warmachine, starting with a khador army. Here's what I have laying around:

Kommander Sorscha
Vladimir Tzepesci
Koldun Kommander Zerkova (the one I want to use, but I've read so many unflattering things about her power level)

1 Destroyer
1 Juggernaut
Possibly 1 Spriggan somewhere, it's been a long time since I picked these up

Units and Solos:
1 Widowmakers
1 Widowmaker Marksman

Assuming I wanted to start with Zerkova, what would be some good things to go with her? For a playstyle, I'd probably like to have some ranged power to back up some big warjacks wrecking face in the front (the widowmakers and destroyer/juggernaut probably fit that just fine).