Dos new Assassins....Sexy beasts.
"They all have an individual entry rather than a set stat line and special rules with add ons. Saying that they all went up by one wound and in stat line are no different from each other. Aside for the wound there doesn't look to be much change. Their individual Special Rules I will mention below if anything stood out. They all though have Fearless, Infiltrate and Move Through Cover as well as Lightning Reflexes which provides a 4+ Invulnerable save and removes the Init penalty for assaulting through difficult terrain. On top of that they have a penalty to your opponent's Look Out Sir rolls of -2 and a rule which stops ICs from Joining them (they are not ICs themselves) and if an Assassin is your Warlord, they gain no Warlord Trait.
They can be taken as an Assassin detachment of a single Elite with the special rule that if the enemy warlord dies to an assassin you get a Victory point. This may not be so difficult. I am seriously considering throwing one or more into my non-Imperial armies and just putting them away from the rest of the army
Calidus and it's 1" infiltrate might be ideal for that though the rest wouldn't be too bad.
They also have a formation of one of each assassin that provides "Preferred Enemy (Warlord)" and the previously mentioned bonus victory point.
The Vindicare with his precision shots on all successful to hit rolls, combined with the Shield Breaker for no invul and his spy mask for Ignores cover looks like the best one. Or switch to hellfire for 2+ to wound or Turbo penetrator for D3 wounds. The Penetrator also counts as S10 against vehicles. (no more +4D6 penetration)
This guy frightens me, being able to reach out across the board and murder pretty much any Sergeant or special weapon. Ork Warlords are in a bad way as one Turbo Penetrator shot could kill a Warboss due to the lack of Invul saves. (2+ to hit, reroll on a 4+. A hit is allocated to the Warboss, 4+ to wound and then d3 wounds... AP2 and Ignores Cover)
He also has Blind grenades.
The Callidus could be fun, allowing Seize rerolls (important if you just infiltrated 2" away from the Enemy Warlord) and -3 to the first reserves roll.
Also has Fleet, Hit and Run and Precision Strikes. Polymorphine allows the Callidus to Infiltrate anywhere provided they are more than 1" from any enemy unit whether in Line of Sight or not. The Callidus can also choose to move on from the enemy board edge should they be held in reserves. The enemy can only fire Snap Shots at the Callidus on the first game turn or the turn in which they arrived.
The Neural Shredder is an AP2 template that wounds on a 4+. T
CC weapons look fun though not amazing, the "Phase Sword" doesn't allow Invul saves on a to wound of 6. Understandable really given the Vindicare only has one shot a turn whereas on a charge this guy has 6 attacks.
The Poison blade is AP- but poisoned 3+ and Rending.
The Eversor looks to be a bit of a beast, I would not want him to get the charge.
He has Feel no Pain, Furious Charge a Power Sword and Meltabombs. On top of that when he dies he inflicts a S5 ap- hit to all models within D6"
He also fires his pistol 4 times whenever he shoots, split between Needle or Bolt (your choice per shot) and Overwatches at full BS
Now for the fun part. The Eversor in juiced on Frenzon which allows him to charge 3D6 combined and adds 3 attacks on the charge rather than one (For a total 8 attacks) and can attack with his Power Sword or Neural gaunlet which is S User AP - Fleshbane and Shred.
Finally the Culexus could be the best or worst assassin depending on what your opponent takes. If he takes a Psyker heavy list he just shot himself in the foot. Truly.
So for gaks n' giggles the Culexus has Preferred Enemy Psykers and Fear. Armour saves cannot be taken against wounds from the Culexus's close combat attacks. (He has no weapons) Any roll of a 6 to wound is Instant death. Any wound is instant death against a Psyker.
Any Psykers, friend or foe within 12" have -3 LD, do not generate warp charges and only harness successfully on a 6. The Culexus cannot be targeted or affected by psychic powers. Any blessing or malediction affecting a unit immediately cease to be in effect if the unit moves within 12" of the Culexus...
Finally the Animus Speculum is fired in the Psychic phase and cannot be used to overwatch.
It is a range 18" S5 AP1 Assault X where X is equal to the combined mastery levels of all psyker units, friend or foe within 12" + up to 3 of your own generated warp charges.
Finally if the Culexus is targeted with shooting or close combat attacks you resolve it as BS1 or WS1 as appropriate."