I am trying to convince my friend to play in Wargames. He's got a family and all and is reticent, but I've almost got his arm twisted.

We're borrowing a Grey Knights army for him. Here are the models we have access to to build a list, we don't have to be super competitive and we can score other models to fill out the ranks.

If possible we may be able to build and paint a storm raven or two before the tourney.

Most of these are painted well enough for the tabletop despite their descriptors:

- 3x assembled terminator squads of 5 dudes each
- 1x partially assembled terminator squad of 5 dudes
- Librarian unpainted and unfinished
- 10x power armor GK all regular dudes with Halberds one justicar with sword and one justicar with hammer painted but could use a little cleanup
- 2x dreadknight not completely painted but all weapon combo's can be swapped out
- 2x razorbacks with assault cannons, I have one heavy bolter too but i have like 3 extra assault cannons
- 1x terminator inquisitor unpainted
- 1x power armor inquisitor painted but not completed
- 1x culexus assassin painted
-1x vindicare assassin primed
-1x Techmarine (way old school, like has a tool box old school).