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Thread: A Points System for Age of Sigmar

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  1. #1

    A Points System for Age of Sigmar

    OK so I honestly don't think AoS will ever be a competitive game in its current state (even if points are assigned, the rules have to many gaps), but even in a fun environment points will help this game so much (again, allowing for pick up games). So after seeing some options online (most had to do with wounds, bravery and attacks) I felt they were lacking a lot as they didn't account for all the stats and made a lot of models seem out of proportion compared to others.

    So I came up with a formula to calculate a points cost using all the major stats. The points costs for even a zombie or a gnoblar is a lot higher than we are used to, but it does give a relative cost to most things.

    What this system does not do, is account for special rules. That's something that would require more playtesting, but this is a good thought I think.

    Second point, I do expect people to have a basic concept of math and the order of operations to use this formula. There is a "base stat" cost and a "weapon cost". For models with multiple weapons, compute the weapon cost for each weapon chosen.

    I haven't figured out a way for re-roll's, re-roll's of one, etc. Especially those provided by shields and such.

    First off, whenever a stat is a dice roll consult the chart below to determine how many points it is:

    - = 0 points
    6+ = 1 point
    5+ = 2 points
    4+ = 3 points
    3+ = 4 points
    2+ = 5 points

    (Wounds(bravery + movement) + Save) + (Attacks*Damage + Range + Rend(-1) + To Hit + To Wound)

    For variable damage, use the highest potential value. For example, D3=3 and D6=6.

    For conditional damage, first half the result. For example, D3=1.5 and D6=3. This is for rules like the Blood Knights who do D3 damage on the charge and Grave Guard, who deal 2 damage on any roll of 6.

    Wizard: +50 points
    Fly: Double movement (before multiplying)

    Finally, round any fractions up after completing the entire formula.

    By using this formula, here are some points costs we get for different units:

    Empire Crossbowmen: 44
    Empire Handgunner w/Imperial Handgun: 41
    Empire Handgunner w/repeater Handgun: 38
    Empire State Troop w/halberd: 21
    Empire State Troop w/spear: 21
    Empire Greatswords:25
    Empire Pistoliers: 54
    Demigryph Knights w/lance and sword: 88
    Empire General on Warhorse, pistol and Great Weapon: 136
    Empire Steam Tank with repeater handgun: 367

    Zombie: 18
    Blood Knight: 86
    Unridden Zombie Dragon: 400
    Vampire Lord on foot: 150
    Vampire lord on nightmare: 181
    Vampire Lord on Abyssal Terror with Sword: 360

    High Elf Sword Master: 28
    Silver Helm: 57
    Ellyrian Reavers w/bow and spear: 83
    Pheonix Guard: 29*
    *(not accounting for Witness to Destiny special rule, which is essentially a 4+ invulnerable save)

    Clan Rat w/blade: 20
    Clan Rat w/spear: 21
    Skaven Slave w/blade: 18
    Skaven Slave w/spear: 17
    Skave Slave w/sling: 24

    Dwarf Cannon w/3 crew: 113
    (have not accounted for extra damage vs units 10 and larger)

    Looking at this, ranged units are definitely much higher than their melee counterparts. But seeing as their seem to be no limit to shooting (you can shoot, splitting attacks, into and out of combat...) I don't mind that.

    Let me know what y'all think.
    Last edited by Zoro; 07-10-2015 at 10:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Even if you point the game it still has huge flaws like immune to damage saves, autowin combinations,chameleon skinks, and the imbalance of summonning.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
    Warmachine legend in training!
    Kings of War if I have to...

  3. #3
    Definitely. Like I said in my post. AoS in it's current state will never be a competitive game. But even if it's just a quick fun game, a points system will make it much easier to find pick up games.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hogleg's Avatar
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    What are autowin combos. Most I've seen stem from an inability to read.
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Your "booty > money > toy soldiers" logic is indeed irrefutable.

  5. #5
    Senior Member mathusala0's Avatar
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    [string]$Unit = Read-Host 'Unit name'
    [int]$W = Read-Host 'Wounds Value'
    [int]$B = Read-Host 'Bravory Value'
    [int]$S = Read-Host 'Save_Percentage Value'
    [int]$A = Read-Host 'Attacks Value'
    [int]$D = Read-Host 'Damage Value'
    [int]$TH = Read-Host 'To_Hit Value'
    [int]$TW = Read-Host 'To_Wound Value'
    [int]$R = Read-Host 'Total Rend Value'
    [int]$M = Read-Host 'Movement Value'
    $weptype = Read-Host 'Type ranged or melee'

    if ($weptype -eq "ranged"){
    [int]$RW = Read-Host 'Range_of_Weapon'
    $wep = (($A*$D)*($TH + $TW) + ($R) + ($RW/5))
    [int]$MR = Read-Host 'Melee_Range'
    $wep = (($A*$D)*($TH + $TW) + ($R) + ($MR - 1))

    $base = (($W*$B) + ($M - 5) + ($W*$S))

    $master = ($base + $wep)

    Write-Output ("The " + $Unit + " is worth " + $master)
    Here is the relevant Powershell code for the version I talked about.

    the actual equation I came up with is as follows

    (W*B) + (W*S%) + [(A*D)(TH+TW)] +(R^R) + M - 5 + either (RW/5) for a ranged weapon or (MR-1) for a melee one.

    TH = 6+ = -1
    TH = 5+ = 0
    TH = 4+ = 1
    TH = 3+ = 2
    TH = 2+ = 3
    TH = 1+ = 4

    TW is the same as TH

    S% = 6+ = 1.17
    S% = 5+ = 1.33
    S% = 4+ = 1.5
    S% = 3+ = 1.67
    S% = 2+ = 1.83
    S% = 1+ = 2

    special rules are individually valued (the ones that can be based on math are done so, so rerolls of 1 are worth less than 1 point, rerolls of all ones are worth 1, so on and so forth)

    Add 25 points for models with the "Priest" keyword

    Add 25 points for each spell the model may cast a turn

    Add 10 points for each spell the model may dispell a turn.

    Army Composition

    Basically a blend of 8th and 7th

    for each 500 points, up to 3 models with the hero keyword, must take 25% core choices (anything not a hero or monster) 0-4 units without the hero keyword that have a ranged weapon, 0-1 monsters

    Additional Comp: All summoning spells replace the following numbers

    3 = 1 (unless it is the "boosted" version"
    5 = 1D3
    10 = 1D6
    20 = 2D6

    any unit with the monster keyword may only be summoned on a 12+, any unit with the hero keyword may only be summoned on a 11+ unless he is also a monster, Finally, the following units may only be summoned on a 11+ Skullcannon of Khorne, Hellflayers of Slaanesh, Exaulted Seeker Chariots of Slaneesh, Seeker Chariots of Slaneesh, Burning Chariots of Tzeentch, Blood Throne of Khorne. Any unit with the Keyword "Death" adds a +1 to the amount of models summoned excluding monsters and heroes.

    Summoned units may not take ANY action the turn they are summoned.

    current roasters updated to this format.

    Grey Seer 85 (+10 if general)

    Screaming Bell 260 (+10 if general)

    Warlord 45 (+10 if general)
    Warpforged Blade +32
    Halberd + 14
    Barbed Blade +15
    shield +1

    Skaven Chieftain with Battle Standard 72

    Warlock Engineer 85

    Skaven Assassin 40
    Weeping Blades +25
    Fighting Claws +20
    Poisoned Throwing Stars +6

    Plague Priest 80

    Plague Furnace 250

    Packmaster 30
    Whip and blade +10
    Whip and thing-catcher +9
    Shock prod +11

    Clanrats 8 per model
    shields +1 point per model
    may take spears FREE
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Storm Vermin 15
    shields +1 point per model
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Skavenslaves 5 per model
    Rusty Blades +2 per model
    Rusty Spears +1 per model
    Slings +3 per model
    +4 for champ
    +8 for music

    Night Runners 13 points per model
    Gutter Runners 20 points per model

    Giant rats 6 points per model

    Rat Swarms 45 points per model

    Rat Ogres 50 points per model
    Warpfire Gun +8
    Plague Monks 6 points per model
    Foetid Blades +5 per model
    Woe Staves +2 per Model
    +4 for champ
    Book of Woes +16
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Plague Cencer Bearers 16 per model

    Doomflayers 35

    Rattling gun 35
    Warp Fire Thrower 35

    Warp-Grinder 30

    Wind mortar 40

    Poisoned wind globes 20 per model

    Jezzail Teams 32 points per model

    Plague Claw Catapult 70

    Doomwheel 120

    Warp Lightning Cannon 100

    Storm Fiends 75
    rattling cannons +25
    Windlaunchers +20
    Warpfire Projectors +50
    Doomflayer Guantlets +28
    Grinderfists +28
    Shock Guantlets +23

    Hell-pit Abomanation 240
    Warpstone Spikes +10
    Dwarf Lord 57 (+10 if general)
    Pistol +5
    Rune Weapon +32
    Great Rune Weapon +44
    ShieldBearer's +24
    Shield +8 (12 with shield bearers)

    Runelord 82
    Rune Staff +6
    ForgeHammer +4

    Dragon Slayer 76
    Runic Axes +26
    Runic Great Axe +32

    Dwarf Engineer 55 (+10 for each war-machine in the army)
    Steam Hammer +17
    Dwarf Pistol +5
    Dwarf Handgun +8

    Thane with Battle Standard 81

    Hammerers 17 per model
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Ironbreakers 15 per model
    +4 for champ
    Drakefire Pistol +9 (plus 16 for brace)
    Cinderblast Bomb +25
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Irondrakes 21 per model
    +4 for champ
    Trollhammer Torpedo +25
    Drakefire Pistol +8 (plus 16 for brace)
    Cinderblast Bomb +25
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Longbeards 13 per model
    Great Axe +1 per model
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Dwarf Warrior 10 per model
    Great Axe +1 per model
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Miners 10 Per model
    +4 for champ
    Steamdrill +30
    Mining Cart +30 +12 for each model in the unit if you take blasting charges)
    Steam harpoon +10
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Quarrellers 16 per model
    Dwarf bucklers +1
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Slayers 19 per model
    +4 for champ
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Thunderers 15 per model
    Dwarf Bucklers +1
    +4 for champ
    Brace of Pistols +12
    +8 for banner
    +8 for music

    Gyrocopters 50 per model
    Brimestone Gun +16
    Steam Gen +20

    Gyrobombers 73 per model

    Dwarf Bolt Thrower 55 points per model

    Dwarf Cannon 80 points per model

    Dwarf Flame Cannon 60 points per model

    Dwarf Organ Gun 90 Points per model

    Grudge Thrower 60 points per model
    Obviously testing is required. The idea of army specific special rules was a nice one. I still think most commands are well balanced across the board excluding MAYBE the undead ones.

    Silly rules are assumed to always be in effect (I'll change this if i come across irregularities whilst configuring the other points.)

    no shooting into combat.


    area denial down to range of the units melee weapons is a thought (more reasons to take spears, better more flexible movement around enemy formations)

    Formations are something I'd like to consider (lined up units get shield wall, loose formation gains -1 to be hit, ranked gains bravery, wedge cav gets +1m, so on)
    Last edited by mathusala0; 07-17-2015 at 06:48 AM.
    I don't play min/max - Geist

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Senior Member mathusala0's Avatar
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    I've read it. It has only a few glaring issues (some units are easier to spam and only slightly less effective than a better counterpart) its rules for summoning monsters fails to cover half of the deamon chariots that can come in at any time.

    I like his shooting into combat restrictions tho.
    I don't play min/max - Geist

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    I only posted it because I figured you could take what you want.

  9. #9
    Senior Member rand0mnumb3r's Avatar
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    So how do you account for things like putting Caradryan or an annointed on a Phoenix etc?

    Because at a minimum that doubles the durability of the unit before any other extras bonuses (multi wound attacks etc)

  10. #10
    Senior Member mathusala0's Avatar
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    you cant just put them on flamespires, the flamespires can be ridden by them which grants them an additional attack and special rule. so the points for the flamespire would be 157 points not counting any special rules.

    now that said, they are worth a hell of a lot more than that with the "reborn" special rule as well as wake of fire. wake of fire is worth about 70 points (mortal wounds I value at around 20 points per potential one per turn, but there isnt a good math formula for this because mortal wounds are often dealt in different ways.) phoenix reborn would either need an amendment/errata or be worth 75 extra points (half the value of the original unit for half the chance to come back) making the phoenix about 300 points with rounding.

    putting an annointed on one would again increase the durability. so would increase the cost by 75 plus the value of the new halberd attack which is worth 18 points so around 95 to 100 extra points.

    and no, it does not double the durability, for each wound it takes it has a 1/2 chance to save it. thats a 50% increase in durability, not 200%

    Edit: scrolled to the next page and see you meant the frost one. from a glance id probably value it about the same (but id need to punch in) maybe a tad more in points. the value of an anointed is worth more here do to the higher cost of the monster.
    Last edited by mathusala0; 07-20-2015 at 03:44 PM.
    I don't play min/max - Geist

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