Ok, so after painting somewhere around 20,000+ points of fantasy armies last year I am well and truly burned out at the moment. I am really excited to jump back into 40k after a long ass time away but I just can't motivate myself to do the painting atm.

So, that said is anyone interested in taking a commission on a moderate size Space Marine project? At the moment it would include:

20 tac marines
10 sternguard
10 scouts
3 centurians
2 Drednaughts
1 Contemptor Drednaught
2 rhino/razorbacks
2 drop pods
2 stormtalons
1 predator
1 thunderfire

I'm not entirely sure if I can afford to pay for that entire project, so I might have to pull back a few things and make myself paint 'em, but if anyone is interested in making some money and up to the task shoot me a PM and let's talk.