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Thread: Am I in the wrong?

  1. #11
    If nothing else I think you would have been justified in asking, "Why didn't you tell me we were breaking the precident and doing a scenario?"

    In my quasi-scientific observation, Mini-games attract only a couple of key personality types, of which man-child is by far the most common. Obsessing over the rules of a trivial system (by big picture human lifecycle terms) also tends to attract the most Vogonistic members of society. It seems like your former friend was an overlapping venn diagram of the two. I'm sure there is motive that you didn't mention or are unaware of, but that really doesn't justify a grown man throwing a hissy fit because he didn't get his way.

    Like the rest, I would suggest putting him in your rearview, and letting him devolve into a friendless forumtroll. If you want some new opponents, why not come up to Dragon's Lair Weds nights? There's usually a dozen friendly, competetive players, and about as many noobs (myself included) that could always use another sparring partner.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mustakrakish View Post
    (F)uck him if he wants to be a bitch. Im married with 2 kids and I still get the **** out of the house to play games. I try very hard to put forth a good face for my children when interacting with people so that they learn what is acceptable.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    wait.... why has no one agreed with the punching the baby in the face?

  3. #13
    Senior Member Frost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splnes View Post
    wait.... why has no one agreed with the punching the baby in the face?
    Isn't this a given? Oh, now I have to explicitly agree that punching a baby in the face is a good solution?! Ridiculous.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustakrakish View Post
    The fact that this guy does not says a lot more than anything else you've complained about. Of all the things, THAT should be your bright red flag.
    Yeah it was a red flag, the final one.

    I do plan on coming up to the lair for Wednesday nights as soon as I can free that day up. I invest too much time in the hobby to not get some games in, and not to mention I love playing. As far as the rules obsession, min/maxing seems to be the norm and not the exception with that group. Which is fine, it felt like it was rarely for fun and more about bragging rights and being a subject of conversation.

    The Cryx hate ran very strong. Other factions represented were Legion/Circle/Menoth/Cygnar/Ret.
    Last edited by TravPrime; 07-29-2012 at 09:10 PM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member m3g4tr0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    Isn't this a given? Oh, now I have to explicitly agree that punching a baby in the face is a good solution?! Ridiculous.
    If they had the chance, they'd do the same to you.

    As far as the original issue goes, the guy seems to have some problems playing nice with others. Personally, I'd love to have people over to the casa to play, and I can't understand why he can't be a good sportsman.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    ok tell me where this guy lives.... ill punch the baby myself!

  7. #17
    Senior Member SpiderBite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splnes View Post
    ok tell me where this guy lives.... ill punch the baby myself!
    I'll take pics!
    The point of the game is having fun. The objective is to win.

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