Battlefield Games in Killeen will host the “Halloween Havoc” Warhammer Fantasy Battle Tournament 23 Oct. 2010.

Each player will have a complete 1500 point list.
One special character per army.
WYSIWYG will be enforced.

You will be playing 3 rounds at 2 ˝ hours each. The scenario details will be available during the tournament and may be posted to this thread prior to that day.

This will be a Hobby tournament (but without the composition score) with a max score of 212. An individual Sportsmanship score of 30. An individual Appearance score of 50.

Appearance score will be totaled the same way as the sportsmanship per match.

No composition score.

There will be awards for Best Overall Competitor, Best Sportsman, Best Appearance.

Tournament Timeline:
0900: Store Opens
0945: Final Registration and team assignments
1000: First Match
1230: First Match Ends, Lunch Break
1300: Second Match
1530: Second Match Ends, Break
1600: Third Match
1830: Third Match Ends, Scores are totaled
1845: Awards

Please post any questions and concerns early to resolve as soon as possible.

Cost is free. Max of 18 players. To register, post here with full name AND phone number or sign up at the shop or call.

The store opens at 9 a.m., we roll dice at 10